With regard to Kevin's link to the Lutheran website/debate on
homsexuality acceptance and the matter of celibacy (it truly is a mind
provoking one), I ask Goanet:

 As Goans, what is our outlook towards homosexuality.
How would we treat one of our children who is homsexual or lesbian.
Would any Catholic or Hindu priest solemnize his (or her) marriage in
or outside a Church or Temple.
Would there be violence perpetrated towards a known homosexual however
responsibly he or she maintained a single relationship.
Would he be able to run for political office and more importantly
would he be elected, not taking into account his sexual preference.
Would he be invited to a party or family gathering and not made to
feel he is a deviant.
Would he be subjected to snide or insulting remarks wherever he goes.
Would it take more than the usual extraordinary courage to come out of
the closet in Goa.

I would like to know how these dynamics would actually happen in
today's Goa. And I would be more than happy to get perspective from
the straights on Goanet as well as the gays. If there are no gays here
(and I don't see why not) would someone please get some responsible,
expressive gays or lesbians to give us their views also.

I know there is no single collective Goan reaction but the diversity
of views would indicate some  common threads as to our outlook.
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