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--- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To illustrate my point, some on Goanet may have just
> read from the Goan Voice (UK), an article by Fr 
> Raymond J. De Souza: Madness shames Muslim
> World. To me, such an utter right-wing diatribe on
> the Muslim response to Benedict is illustrative of 
> sheer added madness through the writing of a 
> Goan Catholic priest in Canada who seems unable to 
> see the wood for the trees in a seriously troubled 
> world.
> Indeed, in terms of substance in Fr Raymond's 
> article, in some ways it is as bad as all those 
> Muslims keen on Sharia law ... etc.
Mario observes:
Pope Benny XVI was criticizing the use of violence to
promote a religious agenda.  In that sense Fr. Raymond
was absolutely right, Cornel's left-wing diatribe
notwithstanding.  It is Cornel who is unable to see
the woods for the trees with his head stuck in the
The seriously troubled world is entirely due to the
objectives of the Islamo-fascist radicals as defined
by their leader Osama Bin Laden, objectives that
Cornel seems strangely unaware of, or chooses to
Cornel also chooses to compare the writings and verbal
comments of this priest and the Pope on the one hand,
with the murderous reactions of the Muslim radicals,
who substituted violence for the verbal discourse that
they could have used to rebut the Pope.
How can any sane analysis make a moral equivalence
between speech and violence. 
Cornel writes:
> I'd like to suggest that, Fr Raymond should do some 
> history homework to discover that, the West has 
> messed up Middle East peoples (well illustrated
> through Edward Said's concept of Orientalism) for 
> the best part of two centuries in recent times.
> Today's radicalised Muslims are the chickens coming 
> home to roost...
Mario observes:
No, they are not.  Osama Bin Laden declared war on the
US at the height of Bill Clinton's appeasement
oriented administration.  Osama wants to create a
Muslim Caliphate that would spread Islam throughout
the world by force.  Cornel chooses to ignore almost
everything Osama and his henchmen say.
It is patently absurd to hide behind ancient history
which cannot be changed and continue to justify bad
behavior today based on someone else's bad behavior
decades ago.
Cornel writes:
> and we need to understand this phenomena through an 
> informed perspective because there are just too 
> many dangers ahead.
Mario observes:
I'm sure the tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi
civilians killed by Saddam and the innocent civilians
killed on 9/11, Bali, 7/7 etc. would have all felt a
lot better had they understood their killers' motives.
The Islamo-fascists are not interested in whether we
understand them or not.  They have declared war on the
west and we better be ready to deal with them while
Cornel chooses to close his eyes and ears and make
excuses for them.
Cornel writes:
> At heart, I passionately believe in dialogue and
> will never accept that this is not possible between 
> antagonistic groups. 
Mario asks:
Then you should travel to Waziristan and talk to Osama
Bin Laden directly, instead of insisting that others
talk to him.  I'm sure you have been having
heart-to-heart dialogues with the radicals at Edgeware
I have asked you several times what one would say to
someone who had already vowed to kill one and had
spent years actually trying to carry out their threat.
All we get in return are emotional platitudes that
dialogue is possible.  Anything is possible, it is the
illogic of dialog with an implacable enemy that is
trying to kill you that is at issue.
I would have far more credibility with such fuzzy
notions from Cornel and his ilk if they were also
addressed to the hostile elements in this conflict. 
Instead they are invariably and exclusively addressed
to the targets of the violence, who have finally
decided to fight back.

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