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--- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Goanetters
> I regret to say that, I refuse to respond to Mario
> Goveia (unless I absolutely have to) for the simple 
> reason that I provided proof that he had 
> distorted my posts. He then used the distortions
> that he constructed, to mount absurd retorts on 
> Goanet.
Mario responds:
Such generalities and sissified complaints are
demeaning - to you, especially for someone who has the
nerve to  claim that Hitler and the Mafioso are
practicing Catholics, because they presumably said so
and went to church, never mind what they actually did
and do, that the Palestinian militants sworn to
eliminate Israel are innocent victims of the
Israelies, and that militancy of Islam is justified by
some long gone history.  I know you throw in the odd
disclaimer, but there is no mistaking the general
thrust of your comments.
Why don't you give us some specific examples, and I
will be glad to either clarify or apologize if you are
indeed correct.

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