Riding the Wave of the Future
Mario de Queiroz

LISBON, Sep 27 (IPS) - Atlantic Ocean waves are to light up 1,500
homes in the north of Portugal. The first 2.25 megawatts of
electricity produced from wave power will be brought ashore at
Aguçadoura, on the northern coast, as of October.

A submarine cable will bring the electrical energy ashore, and will
feed directly into the national distribution grid controlled by the
state-run Energias de Portugal (EDP) company.

It is a modest quantity, but it is the first stage of "the first power
plant in the world to use waves as a source of renewable energy,"
engineer Rui Barros explained to IPS. He is director in charge of new
activities at Enersis, the leading Portuguese company in the renewable
energy field, which has vast experience in the use of hydraulic,
photovoltaic, wind, geothermal and biomass energy sources....
Frederick Noronha  9822122436 +91-832-240-9490
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