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Hi Jerry,

Yes. If we survive for another millions of years or two. Evidence is
seen on a small scale, as Cornel pointed out with his example of skin
colour adaptations via Melanin levels depending on the UV radiation
exposure variation as the human race travelled northward.

So now can fellow Goanetters quit with this fixation on Religion, God
and Atheism? My "Religion vs Atheism" sub-folder in my email inbox
contains around 600 mails since only a few months ago, my "Goa:
Liberation vs Invasion" sub-folder has about 200 mails, and my "NRG's
vs GIG's" (Non-Resident Goans vs Goans In Goa) sub-folder has around
100. Do not even ask about my "Hotel CaliforniaNet", "Conservatism vs
Liberalism" and "Iraq" sub-folders!


On 2/6/07, Jerry  Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just wonder what the Atheists
> believe. If they believe in Darvins theory of evolution of man, that man
> came from Apes, than as per science encyclopedia it says that man came from
> apes about a million or two years ago. So is it a process that as Apes
> changed to man, than man will change into some other creatures as years pass
> by? Just curious.
> Cheers
> Jerry Fernandes

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