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Dear all, 

For those of you who understand Portuguese language, you may find interesting 
the contributions of our own Goan Constantino Xavier, who is based in New Delhi 
and is a correspondent for the Portuguese main weekly Expresso.

In January this year, following the official visit of Prof. Dr. Anibal Cavaco 
Silva (President of the Republic of Portugal) to Goa, Constantino Xavier 
accompanied Luisa Meireles (Expresso reporter) and Luis Carvalho (Expresso 
Photographer) to Goa and this was the report which was published on the 
Portuguese main weekly Expresso, Revista Única, 27 Jan. 07, edição 1787.

The report is available on Expresso site but only for those subscribed to the 

However, Constantino included the full report on his most interesting blog at:


Also, I must say Constantino is doing a great job and this is in my opinion the 
best blog from India in Portuguese language.
Besides, it is always nice to know what Constantino is up to in New Delhi… ☺


Best wishes

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