Hi Gabe,Melvyn, Roland n Merwyn Lobo !
Was not aware  that Canada Dry's Orange was a 
popular drink in East Africa. Was more familiar with
Coca-Cola's Orange under the FANTA brand- "Foolish
Asians Never Take Alcohol" as labelled by the local
Not to be undone by the popular  beer- ALLSOPPS-(All
Lovely Ladies Should Offer Poor People Services).
Fanta also made some fantastic ginger ale (probably
the original) where one could literally sniff some ginger
smell when drinking, fanta lemon and the clear
Fanta Lemonade.
As a young teenager growing up in the very small town
of Iringa in southern Tanzania, my  late father -Boaventura
would have us drink before Sunday lunch  "shandy" - a mixture 
of beer and an aerated (soft) drink- "pop" for Canadians.
Hence my older brother- Steve would mix three bottles
of fanta lemonade and two bottles of Allsopps beer to
give it a 60-40 effect; 60 % for the lemonade and 40 %
for the beer-at the request of my mum and younger sister
who did not want to get the beer's bitter taste.
My father felt that we should be nurtured into drinking
alcohol by having it diluted initially. He felt that "Notches"
could be jumped as we got older.
And the irony of it all, is that  we would be drinking in those
fantastic long beer glasses with spouts given to us
as gifts by the makers of  a different popular beer-
PILSNER (People In Love Should Not Entertain Rogues).
My dad belonged to a unque class of people in East
Africa and probably Goa and India who felt that beer
should only be served exclusively in beer glasses.
And when I moved to the main city- Dar es Salaam,
I noticed that it went even deeper. My very good friend
and fellow Tanzanian journalist and badminton player-
Adam Simbeye would ensure that his beer mug was
placed safely under the barman's counter at the
Dar Institute bar counter after he was finished
for the nite.
This is in sharp contrast to the U.S. where most
people drink straight from the cans, bottles or
any glass. And they have also been joined by
the womenfolk who occasionally also want a
"shot" of the ever popular - Feni after getting
a "whiff" of the "high-tech" potent drink.
I hope I did not "water" yours "mouth". You r most
welcome to my 24 by 7 bar. I have literally
everything, except the Feni from the almighty
"Gharafao"- excuse the spelling.
Tony Barros.
Union, New Jersey.
U . S . A .

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