Roland Francis:
Cecil, I would easily count you one of the cognoscenti when compared to the
class that needs "education".

Thanks you for the certification but I consider myself informed and aware
rather than 'educated'.


Therefore it is surprising that you mention your doubts on how you yourself
would have reacted in a school situation in Panjim, like that of Rivona. I
thought education would count for the difference in your behaviour about
which there should have been no doubts on the score that children with HIV
do not deserve to be shown any difference from those without that
condition, period.

I always question myself and my actions, reactions and motivations. It is
very easy to do armchair analysis from a distance. It is easy for me to
condemn the parents of the Rivona school sitting here in Panjim. What if I
was in their place? How would I have reacted if kids living with HIV were
admitted in my son's school. I ask myself such questions all the while.
Only after asking myself these questions, and sincerely analyzing my
reactions, can I then turn the scope on the Rivona parents. And
incidentally I passed my own test with flying colours. But yes one must do
a lot of introspection before being critical of what others do.

Fore example there are lots of Goans living abroad who are very vocal in
Goan cyberspace. Which is good. We can learn from exchanges. But some of
them constantly scream in a shrill voice telling us what to do and what not
to do. Most of these people have a very vague idea of ground realities here
in Goa. These people should also pause and walk a mile in our shoes before
screaming their nonsense advice.


And I certainly hope that in your last sentence "For our kids and their
kids" you do not mean "for their kids with HIV and our kids without",
because it certainly lends itself to that interpretation, when one knows
you have skill in wordcraft and all.

Your interpretation exposes your blinkered understanding of issues. "For
our kids and their kids" is a slogan I have used before when raising funds
or awareness for issues related to young people. It is a beautiful phrase
that encompasses everyone. Our children, their children, our children's
children. Only a convoluted mind could interpret it in the negative way you



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