J. Colaco wrote:
> And WHO has the responsibility to ensure that the "orphans" are appropriately 
> tested and 
> treated? I wonder why you chose to call the 'parents/guardians' ignorant. 
> What IF they are 
> actually quite aware of HOW the 'system' works, and have NOT YET seen 
> evidence that the 
> orphans are cleared for school (say) as they would be in the UK or Canada or 
> should be in India?


The responsibility for orphans lies on my shoulders. And yours. It would be a 
cruel place where people care less for the weakest members of society. 

>jc (3) : My experience with HIV kids is surely not as vast as yours. Even so, 
>please advise us: 
>[A] Were THOSE HIV+ individuals CD4 regularly monitored and treated with 
> medications?  
>[B] Were THOSE HIV+ individuals TB tested and treated if necessary? 
>[C] Were THESE HIV+ ORPHANS managed according to the same regimen THOSE 
>individuals were/are?

Doc, the short answer is that HIV+ people are monitored much more closely than 
those without HIV. The reason, I am told, is that HIV+ people are much more 
susceptible to diseases. TB being the leading cause of death for them. Again, 
since HIV+ kids are monitored much more closely, I feel those with TB will be 
identified much more faster than kids who are not HIV+. In other words, there 
is a greater danger of finding a "TB Mary" in the non-HIV population than in 
the HIV+ population.


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