Rev. Fr. Melito Dias Celebrates Sixty
Sparkling years as a Priest


Michael Ali


Rev. Fr.
Melito Dias was born in Karachi on February 27, 1927 to Maria Amata and Joseph
Edward Dias, the fifth among nine children. From an early age his mother had a
great influence on his religious upbringing as she was very close to the church
and Catholic teachings. His dad worked abroad…for the UK-based Cable and
Wireless Company in Bahrain.

Fr. Melito
was educated at St. Patrick’s High School in Karachi and was a keen sportsman 
a star of the Hockey team! In fact, his wizardry with the ball and brilliant
stick-work made short work of many an opposing team. He played on well after
school and seminary days.

>From his
school days, Fr. Melito was a regular church-goer, never missing the first Mass
on a daily basis. In fact, on his way to Mass from his residence in Duarte 
Square on Napier Street, Saddar he would be accompanied by another lad from 
Street.  The boys attended Mass together….that
lad was a brother of  the late Fr. Joe

In 1946, Fr.
Melito left for the Papal Seminary at Kandy in Ceylon (Sri Lanka) as this part
of the world did not have its own seminary at that time. The rail journey, his
first outside Karachi, was long and tiring but the zeal of the young man to
serve his Creator increased with every mile covered.

In Kandy,
Father not only proved to be a good student but also won the hearts of his
teachers and fellow students by his dedication to studies and sports. 

He was
ordained on August 24, 1954 at Kandy by His Excellency, Bishop Glennie, an
American Jesuit who later became the Bishop of Trincomalee, Ceylon.  His 
parents and family traveled to Kandy for
his ordination and his father and a cousin served as altar servers for his first


He returned
to Karachi which by then was part of a new nation – Pakistan!   He came back 
without a Passport as he had
left when all areas of the sub-continent were part of India.  

His first
posting was at the Minor Seminary at Quetta where Rev. Fr. Joseph Cordeiro was
the Rector and was also assigned to St. Francis’ Grammar School where he
coached the boys in hockey. 

He then went
on to serve the people of Karachi in various parishes. He also served the
parish of St. Joseph’s, Larkana and was instrumental in the faith formation of
many in the area.

Besides his
priestly duties, Fr. Melito is also a fine educationalist and has served many
Catholic schools in Karachi such as St. Patrick’s, St. Paul’s and St.
Lawrence’s in various capacities. He is also a regular contributor to the
Christian Voice. Needless to say he carried out all his duties with distinction
and is known for his kindness, compassion and understanding.  Among his 
students have been three Bishops (Their
Lordships, Max Rodrigues, Anthony Lobo and Rufin Anthony). 


I first met
him as a student of Class VII, when he was the Prefect of Discipline at St.
Patrick’s High School in 1963 and was also in-charge of the St. Patrick’s Scout
Troop of which I was a member. I remember him to be a very friendly, humble
person with a great sense of subtle humor. 
A classmate described him at the time as ‘a jewel of a gentleman’. This
description can still describe him today.

On August
24, 2014, Rev. Fr. Melito Dias celebrates his Sacerdotal Diamond Jubilee
joining a handful of priests who have done so. 

On behalf of
the faithful especially his parishioners let me take this opportunity to 
him on this milestone and wish him many, many more years in the service of the
Lord. Ad multos annos, gloriosque annos vivas!




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