Message: 4
Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 23:26:00 +0530
From: Goanet Reformat <>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
Subject: [Goanet] Bogus product at Panjim exhibition :
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Electricity Power Saver  ? Public is taken for a ride.

Just to inform to our Goans that there is a product called Electricity
Power saver who has been sold like hot cakes in various exhibition
halls in Goa. From last two days a product being sold in exhibition at
various Halls in Goa,  of a product  from TWINKLE called power saver
which has 5 years warranty and it claims that the energy is saved upto
30% on the electricity bill. It is been sold for Rs.500/- promotional
charges during exhibition times and outside will costs above Rs.
1000/- or even can go upto Rs 2000/- it seems.

They have issued a pamphlet which gives details of contact numbers and
address from Mumbai.

The product claims:

i) Reduce up to 30% electrical consumption.

ii) Stabilize the supply voltage- protect your appliances.

iii) Reduce electrical overheating-protects against fire.

iv) Improve Efficiency and power factor of electrical appliances.

v)  Reduce electrical waveform distortions.

This help Household products consumption which covers:

i)  Air Conditioners

ii) Water Pumps

iii)  Refrigerators

iv)  Washing Machine

v)  Mixer, Fan

vi) Tube Light,

vii)  Vacuum Cleaner and other Home appliances.

My observation of the product is as follows;

i) I have bought this for Rs.500- and tested and found
that it is bogus item and that Goans are been taken for a ride.

ii) One girl at the shop has demonstrated having 4 tube
lights and the digital meter reads whether current, wattage etc is not
known and once you disconnect one by one tube light the reading falls
down thus showing the reading is decreasing. And after inserting this
product in the plug of their board also shows the meter reading also

iii) I have asked whether there is any circuit for this board or
of the product. The answer is NO.

iv) How can you believe what kind of circuitry is wired inside
the board so that the customers can get fooled?

v)   I have put the product on my board at home, and tested.
The current which was showing X reading for my washing machine and
after inserting this product the reading of current remained the same.
That means when there is no change in current the product is a failure
and I returned the product and got my money back. I said somebody
should complain for the Consumer Forum for checks and fine as I have
no time.

vi) How can all the data claimed by the manufacturer can be believed
without any circuitry?

Stephen Dias

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