>From Muthalik, to Mahavira

Muthalik and Mahavira represent two polarities although it need not be the

In the Jain religion which is probably the oldest religion in India there
is a beautiful story of how lions and cows would drink from the same river,
side by side when Mahavira was around. The presence of the man of
non-violence was so great that the lion was no longer violent and the cow
was unafraid.

This story is probably a story, one more story in Jainism as there are
numerous in all ancient religions. However, what they really wanted to say
was how non-violence can dissolve violence when in the presence of a man of
non-violence. In the long and ancient history of various religions in India
and the world, it is difficult to think of (and indeed find!) a more
non-violent human being than Mahavira. As they say, he wouldn't hurt a fly!

He was, for people who don't know, also an ascetic and radical thinker who
lived naked, as they say, without a stich on, along with thousand of his
followers. Like a child he felt no shame of his naked  body, and like a
child with an innocent mind and heart saw nothing wrong with living naked!
No, he wasn't a foreigner. He was the twenty-fourth tirthankar of Jainsim,
a highly respected Jain enlightened master.

Rather than promoting an ancient and primitive outlook, such as
distributing swords to every Hindu home in Goa for whatever purpose God
alone knows, it would be more prudent for Muthalik to try to understand
Mahavira and learn from him. Another man of non-violence has this to say:
"An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind."

Legally, a ban to prevent Muthalik from entering Goa permanently appears to
be complicated, judging by the behavior of the Goa government and of
Karnataka. We need to wait and watch the situation carefully. We also need
to keep an eye on the Opposition in the Goa Assembly as they are drowning
members who are desperately clutching at a straw and could easily make a
bad situation worse!

Why is Muthalik overflowing with hatred towards non-Hindus? Where is this
hatred coming from? His childhood? Most Hindus and non-Hindus cannot
understand this aberration, so it is time Muthalik himself took a deep
breath and a serious look at his own psychology.

He speaks angrily against the Roman Catholic pub culture in Goa, but does
not acknowledge the fact the Vedic people also drank alcohol. Is the only
difference the choice of drink, soma or fenny? Either condemn the Vedic
people too for drinking alcohol, or applaud the people living in Goa who
drink alcohol and are following in the footsteps of the Vedic people! He
needs to give Goans, Hindus and non-Hindus, a reasonable explanation.

If Saul (aka St. Paul) can forsake violence and stop persecuting
Christians, surely Muthalik can renounce the use of violence, including
swords. I have not read a single media report which claims Muthalik has
personally committed a violent act.  He can make the transition more easily
than Saul. Nothing is impossible!

The Hindu religion is the way of dialogue and debate and consensus, not the
way of the sword. Other religions can make a much better claim to this
crown than Hindus. History is on the side of the Hindus, and Muthalik has a
big responsibility to his community.

Mahavira has a lot to teach Muthalik. Can Muthalik become a good student?

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