Censorship of Tiatr

Yes, during the Portuguese era there was a censorship,.  but it was
dictatorship then. Even country plays before public performance in the
village at carnival had to perform before REGIDOR ,a local censor  for
 purity of content . Tiatr of the day has come of age and is no more
limited,  patornised  by the select audience that was. Tiatrist are in
demand by all parties, independents to woe the voters by all parties,.
Their caustic compositions on the occasion are music to their ears to cast
the spell on the voters .T iatrist are also promoted, financially supported
by politicians to do at their biddings and sing their peons. It is the most
popular cultural entertainment, besides being a profession providing
employment opportunities. It is  sad that BJP members are not chief guests
at such shows and are feeling side-lined and outcast.

Those who are in power, public life must desist from being intolerant and
over sensitive to freedom of expression specially in song. Personal attacks
like Chaiwala,Shaizada during Lok Sabha elections saw a new low on dignity
seen as perfectly normal. In fact the propaganda was downright personal
attack on Gandhi family members and was repeated to disastrous consequences
in Delhi elections. The criticism of administrations, corruption, bribes,
nepotism, bias and favouritism   are favourite pastimes of politicians and
hence they want no public audit or scrutiny  about their functions and
which is what they most fear .The adage the King does no wrong is
applicable .Caesers wife must be above board is relevant too, Personal life
about double standards, infidelity, concubines, extra marital relations,
gondaism, give no special immunity to anyone. Legal recourse to defamation
is available and could be made more stringent. Even if  such accusations
are true, those in public life  and in position must set an example of
rectitude. Public morality, principles and values, which are upheld by
public  perception, The vandalisation at Colva, the arrest of titarist  are
intimidatory tactics  bypassing legal remedy and is clear abuse of power.
BJP is entering a mine field of popular resentment, which will blow into a
full-fledged protest, Lack of public approval makes such antics to be cast
into oblivion. Against the might of the state misdemeanours of public
functionaries, the message through medium of entertainment hits the bull
head and easy expression of suffocated souls. The press freedom and
electronic control has been best avoided due to its repercussions of the
constitutional safeguards. Sarcasm,, criticism in cinema,  shows, popular r
serials, are received with aplomb, The control towards  instinct of
self-preservation when in power will be a disadvantage when out of power.
M.r Parikar is a master of U turns and subterfuge, feigning ignorance,
operating by remote control to innocently absolve himself of the real

 Controlling criticism, sarcasm,public outcry against MLA, Ministers,
 authorities of local bodies, against Government policies is a feudal,
dictatorial approach alien to Democracy and its principles are seeking
carte blanc to perpetuate their hegemony and thus strangulate, stifle

Unfortunately our Legislators are maintaining stoic silence of
indifference. The successful MLA must remember that the sizable voters are
not with them in the win .One crusader in Goa was brutally attacked,
because the Govt. cannot defend their illegal actions legally .This is a
BJP NATAK that lacks audience for their sustenance .The minority community
that backed the BJP must realise that the leopard does not change its spots
and is covertly initiating its agenda surreptitiously

A public debate of intent and content must necessarily precede any forced,
unpopular, unacceptable, sly, innocuous looking legislation, primarily
designed to strike at the roots  and foundation of tradition and culture of
minority community The experiment and honey moon of BJP is over, despite
membership drive as sign of approval quid pro quo

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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