No Change!

Goa, I'm told, is changing and one of the changes is the lack of change.
Whenever I went shopping in Goa while on a recent visit there was always a
shortage of change, in stores, restaurants, and even super marts! After
doing shopping worth two or three hundred rupees I had to accept sweets in
lieu of coins. Now this is disgusting even though it is happening in
hundreds of establishments all over Goa.

As I'm a diabetic getting sweets instead of return change is nothing short
of sweet irony. Anyway, the problem is serious as it affects lakhs of
shoppers in Goa every day! What does the government propose to do? How is
the government going to solve this problem?

Is this an example of the working of the modern Indian mind, foxy and
cowardly? Nowhere in a developed country, the USA, EU or Japan or any other
can we expect outlandish behavior as this.

One way to solve this problem is to make the seller or service sector
responsible for the payment of return change. If there is a shortage of
coins for whatever reason, then the seller of goods or services has to take
it out of the profits. The consumer forums need to wake up and zoom in on
this scam immediately and not let go until the consumer gets justice!

Can development and mega projects in Goa be successful if we cannot solve
so small a problem as this one?

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