On Sat, Jul 2, 2016 at 2:38 AM, Mervyn Maciel wrote:

> To reinforce my earlier comments, here are extracts from letters in
> today's(Saturday) Daily Telegraph:
> 1."Small wonder that the British public have an inherent mistrust of
> Westminster politicians. The devious shenanigans of Michael Gove and
> his cohort make Messrs Blair and Brown appear almost honourable...."
> 2."Everyone may end a relationship when it is no longer right for them. To
> do the decent thing and inform the soon-to-be-ex-partner face to face,
> before
> informing the world, requires courage, integrity and respect for the
> dignity of a fellow man. Mr. Gove has shown a severe deficit of all three"
> and last but not least:
> "Have British politicians ever been so universally despised? "
> and yet another in good humour:
> "For Boris Johnson, how about a stab at the American Presidency?
> Having been born there, he is qualified and could run rings round the
> current candidates."!!
> Mervyn Maciel

My namesake,
I do not think British politicians are the dragons to be slayed in this

The real problem is the millions of Beelzebubs who voted to exit. These
voters seem to be scared that people who do not look like them are taking
away their jobs and changing the landscape. The sad part is that they are
in the majority of those who voted.

Brexit is only chapter one of a saga and it is not yet completed. The fun
has started with chapter two though, this time set in the US. Just like
chapter one, it now seems that there are more sane voters than the

Your namesake.
PS Admittedly, chapter two does seem to have an insane dragon whose intends
to slay himself :-)

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