From: b sabha <>

Indian nun helps teenagers beat drug addiction
Sister Ann Mary counsels children on the effects of drugs and sometimes goes 
after dealers herself
[Indian nun helps teenagers beat drug addiction]

Sister Ann Mary is the coordinator of an eight-member committee that the Delhi 
High Court formed in November 2016 to spread awareness in schools on the danger 
of drugs. (<> photo) - Catholic News Asia | Church, Features ...<> is the most trusted independent Catholic news source from Asia. It 
reports news from, about and of interest to the Church in Asia

Ritu Sharma, New Delhi <>
April 19, 2017

Clad in a white habit Sister Ann Mary comes out of a Delhi court room with a 
contagious smile. But behind the friendly face is a woman determined to save 
children from the clutches of drug addiction.

The 30-year-old nun, a qualified lawyer, has been working among child drug 
users since 2012.

"The drug addicts are mostly aged 14-20 and come from families where parents 
are separated or have no time for their children," said the nun who belongs to 
the congregation of the Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of Graces.

The children from well-to-do families can get money to buy drugs but their 
problem is that their parents are busy earning money and have no idea what they 
are doing, the nun said. "Even if I tell parents about the condition of their 
children they do not believe it. So, I wait until they see it for themselves," 
she said, adding that most of the drug users drop out of school.

"They have no control, they do not know where they are or who they are with. 
The could commit crime or become a victim of crime," she said.

Sister Mary said the most popular drugs are heroin, cocaine and cannabis.

The nun said drugs are easily available at roadside eateries, tea shops and 
even medical shops. "The drug business is going on without any fear. The 
peddlers are hand-in-glove with the police and that is why drugs are so openly 
available," she said.

Threat to life

She began counseling children against using drugs in 2012 when she was serving 
in the north Indian town of Meerut.

In a slum of rag pickers, beggars and cobblers near her convent, she noticed 
the poor engaging in prostitution and drug taking. She and other nuns began 
educating local children about the dangers of drug use "but the change was very 
slow as the poverty was so deep rooted," she said.

Her work continued when she transferred to Ghaziabad, a satellite town of 
Delhi, in 2015.  She noticed addicted children there as well. She also located 
a few areas where drugs were exchanged and even tried to shoot pictures and 
videos as evidence.

"While I was trying to take a picture, a woman held my hand and warned that she 
would break the camera if I tried again. I had no choice but to leave the 
place," the nun said. The intimidation continued. She has been getting 
threatening phone calls from drug dealers for the last three months.

But it will take more than that to put Sister Mary off. So far, she has 
counseled 25 child drug users. She is doing a free service in the name of God 
"who has entrusted me with lots of children."

In November 2016, the Delhi High Court formed a drug awareness committee of 
eight people, including two judges, and made Sister Mary the coordinator.

They run awareness sessions for school students as well as parents. "Children 
these days are very smart. They might not be taking drugs but they know all 
about them," she said.


Sister Ann Mary with school children after a drug awareness session at a New 
Delhi school. The nun counsels school children against substance abuse as part 
of her fight to save children from addiction. (<> 

The nun also gives individual counseling sessions to drug users. One parent 
sought her help for his drug-addicted daughter after seeing the teenager 
watching pornography late at night under the influence of drugs.

Another boy was taciturn and very violent. Sister Mary sent the parents out of 
the room. "He was shaking terribly … it took me around six hours to make him 
speak to me about the problem," she said.

The nun also counsels the parents and helps them find drug treatment centers. 
"After a point only treatment centers can help," she said.

A drug-abundant market

India has strict anti-drug laws. Offenders are punished with jail terms up to 
20 years depending on the gravity of the offence but police continue to make 
drug-related arrests indicating the problem is still prevalent.

The northeast state of Mizoram tops the list of drugs seizures, according to 
India's Narcotics Control Bureau; some 48,209 tons of drugs were seized over 
the past four years. In the same period, 64,737 drug-trafficking cases have 
been reported in the country and Punjab topped the list with 21,549 cases there 

New Delhi is becoming a hotbed of drugs with the Narcotics Control Bureau 
recovering some 340 kilograms of drugs including heroin, cocaine, cannabis and 
pseudoephedrine there in the past two years.

Every day at least 10 people commit suicide because of drug abuse in India, 
according to the National Crime Records Bureau. In 2014, the country witnessed 
3,647 such cases.

Sister Mary is determined to make a dent in the statistics. "I am here to serve 
and I will keep on doing it wherever I go," she said.

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