Stalking incident In Harayana

The IAS officers daughter was subjected to harassment and stalking
lateat night  by the son of  Harayana BJP Chief .Her car was blocked
twice and she was forced to reverse it., They also  drove it parallel
to her vehicle intimidating her being alone in the car. The stalker
ran towards her car trying to open after blocking her way   with what
noble  intentions ? Fortunately her distress call to the police saved
her from serious troubles., The stalker was in druken state for alibi
was immediately arrested while  trying to run away.. The police are
believed to have served the stalker cold coffee, There were about 100
BJP supporters big and small outside the police station in sympathy
or  exerting indirect  influence to bear,. The police immediately
released him without taking to the court and watering down the
serious section of kidnapping, The victim in her statement has clearly
stated that their intention and behavior was   highly suspect and didi
not rule out kidnapping attempt and much worse. The case has  rattled
the powers  in corridor for father is BJP Chief of the State  beisde
IAS lobby , high profile incident that will reverberate in official
circles.. The CM and party spokesperson has said that justice will be
done as per law and if there is any dereliction on the part of the
police, legal redressal is available as the remedy. They just give a
clean chit t the accused and wash  their handslike Pilate .There is
clamour for dismissal of the BJP chief, The point of embarrassment to
the party is being circumvented .The opposition is rightly in arms
demanding justice and the  shadow of the incident will loom large over
time being used as political handle .The P.M is talking loud about
safety of women and their upbringing, education and self respect, But
ground realities are otherwise. The crimes against women are un
abated, Rapes molestation are ever on the rise and relief and social
justice for women are a distant cry

Already in an attempt at character assignation of the victim by
brother of the accused has posted her picture along with a male on
social media .It is indication of suggestion  and  publicly maligning
of her image to show her in bad light of loose character. If it does
not reach to logical conclusion, as it is  expected from initial
unfolding of police actions, then it will send wrong signals  to more
vulnerable public and hollowness of P.M declared stand. There are
enough laws for protection and safety  of women in India  but power ,
influence water down the implementation . The shocking incident of
Nirbhaya has still not made life safe for women and  women are under
constant threat to their honour and self respect

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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