I see that you have 'big story too'. Were you born/raised in Goa? I married
a girl from one of those 'Old Goan Families), so lived on River Mandovi for
upwards of thirty years. One of my good friends there was Chirstovo Pinto
(in Betim, near Marine Workshop).

On Tue, Aug 15, 2017 at 1:15 PM, Venantius J Pinto <
venantius.pi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Dan—
> Wow, wow, and awesome. Appreciate you extrapolating and given me the segway
> to share.
> I have not heard of Namanand Modak, nor of Anjali Ashram, and appreciate
> you mentioned both.
> Years ago, I paid a visit to the National Film Board of Canada, and bough
> some VHS tapes.
> Although we were there for a short while, the impression on my sensibility
> was tremendous.
> It would be good if Goans had the chance to see Norman McLaren’s films,
> especially, Neighbors.
> I believe Ishu Patel is still at the NFBC!? Things changed drastically for
> me; but I cannot forget them.
> So many of them.
> I graduated from Pratt Institute, from the CG Dept. My short film, Shunyata
> was realized
> in mixed-media animation. But things worked differently, and just perhaps I
> may get back
> someday to animating. Sill, all experiences bolster us. Needless to say,
> but animation has
> come a long way and will keep going on. The first batch of CG animators in
> Canada and
> the US, all divorced! The work and exploits took their toll. Btw, remember
> the Benson & Hedges
> commercial, which was computed at the National Center for Supercomputing
> Applications!
> Canada has played a tremendous role in developing programs, having Sheridan
> and other schools,
> and by assiduously creating outlets for animators. The animators too, have
> played their cards and more.
> My base has always been traditional.
> My journey in painting murals is recent and began with the Mexicans, and is
> now six murals strong.
> Next month, I head to Candelaria, Misiones, Argentina to paint my first
> there, at the site of one of the
> Jesuit missions (reducciones). Paid for! Btw, there were thirty stretching
> from Paraguay. Bolivia, Brazil,
> and Argentina.
> Then, from Oct–mid Nov, will be painting six murals in Colombia. And then
> teach a course in Poinxedeje,
> Hidalgo, Mexico. I hope to sketch, and cook some, and get into the 2018
> exhausted and burnt out, or
> rejuvenated and raring to deal with fresher horrors, via generating new
> projects, including calligraphy
> and print making.
> My artistic labor is accessible online. I must also add that it does not
> follow a
> discernible trajectory. :) Search: Venantius Pinto; or Venantius J Pinto.
> As I say in my feeble Spanish: Vivivimos tantas vidas, y tantas vidas viven
> en nosotros.
> (We live many lives, and many lives live within us).
> More, some other time.
> Thank you,

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