Re: [Goanet] [GOABOOKCLUB] The Literary Maladies of Diaspora Goans by Ben Antao
GL responds:
The postings on this thread has elicited mixed reactions from me.  For 
starters: Why did a topic from Goa Book Club make it on Goanet? Was there not 
enough room on the Goa Book Club to air the issues?  
On the positive side, the controversy of this thread appears to have awoken 
many Goans on Goanet.  And as said before on another thread on Goanet, " their 
silence was not Golden."  Perhaps Ben Antao deliberately created the 
controversy to generate publicity for the book - akin to the controversy on the 
works of Salman Rushdie or that of Dan Brown.  
So Goans could do a favor to both esteemed authors by buying their books and 
reading them. And still better presenting these books (and those of other Goan 
authors) to their friends and relatives the next holiday season.
Authors of a book do a lot of work to research the topic being presented and 
more importantly "connect the dots."  This is what separates the KNOWLEDGE that 
the author shares from the INFORMATION / FACTS available on the net.  The charm 
of writing a non-fictional book is to give the readers that "AHHA moment .... 
now I understand" happy feeling.
Regards, GL Author of "Your Happy Brain - Why and How to Hug it"Free web-page:

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