Thoughts on turning fifty: Goan Overseas Association (Toronto)

By Armand Rodrigues

G.O.A. (Toronto) turns 50 on April 23, 2020.

Fifty years as a vibrant social and sporting club is a
significant milestone in the life of the G.O.A.(Toronto).
Its Golden Jubilee came up on April 23, 2020. A historical
perspective of this iconic club follows.

Whether in the humble 'khudds' (village clubs) of Bombay or
sophisticated institutes and gymkhanas elsewhere, the Goan
has always been a gregarious creature with an inborn need for
camaraderie.  This characteristic has endowed him/her with
the propensity to form clubs for social, sporting and
literary purposes wherever they go, after coming to terms
with the basic necessities of life -- food, clothing and shelter.

Back-pedalling now, prior to 1970 there were only a few
amorphous Goan groups in Toronto and their interests were
either religious, social and sporting, but only marginally,
as they were loosely-knit and accountable to no one.


In the broader sports arena, field hockey was the common
factor that brought several Goans together, though they
played for different teams.  At house parties or gatherings,
lip service was paid to the need to form a proper Goan club
to foster a sense of belonging, with no evidence of any
initiative to form one.

          In 1969, it occurred to most of the Goan hockey
          players that if they played together as a team they
          could easily be the best in Ontario and in Canada.
          Roque Barreto was the driving force behind this
          initiative, with Aloysius Vaz and Willy Monteiro as
          his lieutenants.

To this end, a preliminary and exploratory meeting of all
known players and well-wishers was called in December.  It
could be because of winter, the lack of proper
transportation, or simply inertia, that attendance was dismal
and the meeting proved to be a failure.

Undaunted by the setback, and winter notwithstanding, another
meeting was called for, in January 1970. Of the thirty
people notified, only six roughed it out. They were: Roque
Barreto, Aloysius Vaz, Willy Monteiro, Tony Fernandes,
Anthony D'Souza (Jnr) and Armand Rodrigues.

          Decisive action was taken to (a) form an interim
          committee, (b) enter a Goan team for the
          forthcoming Canadian Field Hockey tournament, and
          (c) explore the allied issue of a coherent body
          under whose banner to play.  Spearheaded by the
          six, word of mouth brought 24 people together for a
          general meeting, on April 5, 1970.  The idea of a
          club under whose auspices a consolidated Goan
          hockey team could play, was unanimously endorsed,
          and morphed into the Goan Overseas Association
          (Toronto) on April 23, 1970.

The rest is history.

Before long, membership started escalating rapidly and the
club gained momentum in the realm of sports and socials.  It
was a force to reckon with when it came to field hockey,
cricket and soccer. Tennis and badminton had a fair list of

When the Uganda Goan refugees swelled our ranks in 1972, they
came with enviable credentials and gave our teams a welcome


The club garnered trophies in many an open tournament.  Egged
on by its success, it floated the Norbert Menezes Memorial
Gold Cup field hockey tournament for a number of years.  This
tournament became pre-eminent on the continent and attracted
teams from as far away as India, England, the Caribbean and
the States. And, the ladies were not forgotten.  They
competed for the Savio & Joyce Barros trophy. Many members
also donated floating trophies for other tournaments at
parochial level.

Dances were always a sell-out, to the extent the Lions' Club
in Etobicoke could cope with a capacity crowd.  The dinners
were beyond compare and the band was the best our means would
allow.  Needless to say, the camaraderie was exceptional.

As would be expected, members formed the Goan Theatrical
Group and kept lagging cultural traits and language skills
alive with regular offerings of Konkani plays ('tiatr') and
lively songs.  Annual Track & Field meets brought
sister-clubs together in healthy competition.

The hugely successful International Goan Convention in 1988
(under the aegis of the club) was the brainchild of Zulema
D'Souza, our first female president. It put the club firmly
on the map and remains unmatched to date. The International
Goan Youth Convention held in Goa in 1990, was a spin-off
from the Toronto Convention.

Embracing all facets of Goan life, 'Viva Goa' festivities
serve to showcase the community to all and sundry.  And, not
forgotten are the disadvantaged people in our community.  The
Goan Charitable Organization -- a registered charity -- comes
to their aid.

          In the early heady days the vibrancy of the club
          was palpable.  It was the largest Goan club on the
          continent, and the most active.  Credit for
          managing the club and catering admirably to
          members' needs, goes to the hardworking men and
          women who over the years have given selflessly of
          their time and energy in fostering the aims of the club.


That was then and this is now. Over the years, like clubs
everywhere, a membership that peaked some years back has
started to ebb somewhat.  Population growth has not
translated into a corresponding increase in membership.

          Societal factors such as fragmentation, diminishing
          community allegiance, inter-marriages and
          insularity, in our second generation Goans, are
          changing our physiognomy, and our clubs are
          gradually lapsing into a terminal mode.  Seniors'
          clubs, spawned by the mother-house, have picked up
          the slack and have been doing a commendable job, at
          both ends of the city of Toronto.

When all is said and done, it must be noted that a younger
set with nostalgic traits has taken over the G.O.A.
(Toronto) from the old guard, for some years now.  Selwyn
Collaco has been the president for the last few years now and
has used his managerial and business acumen to keep the club
abreast of developments in this digital age.  He has done
more than any other president of the club, to bring Goans
from different camps to the G.O.A.(T) tent.

He is ably assisted by like-minded committee members.  And,
Greta Dias keeps tending to the social needs of retirees,
with unprecedented zeal.  These volunteers keep the flame
alive and pulsate to the rhythms of the times.  To celebrate
the jubilee, an elegant bash, with sit-down dinner and
appropriate libation, and the accompaniment of two bands is
slated for August 1, 2020.  [This was written before the
lockdown.] A hearty toast to the club is in order!
[PHOTO: A picture of five of the six that spearheaded the
formation of the club, is seen.  Left to Rt.: Armand
Rodrigues/Tony Fernandes/Roque Barreto/Aloysius Vaz/
TonyD’Souza.  Missing: Willy Monteiro.  All are still alive.
See ]

Goanet Reader is compiled and edited by Frederick Noronha WhatsApp: +91-9822122436

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