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GOACAN calls for the observation of the
International Day for Biological Diversity

As part of its on going mobilisation drive
GRAMSABHA ZAGRUT ZA  to get maximum
involvement of consumers as voters, GOACAN
has called for the observation of the International Day
for Biological Diversity in the villages of Goa.

The theme for the mobilisation drive which will end
on 18th June Goa Revolution Day is "THINK LOCAL,
get consumers who are members of the Gram Sabha
to be pro-active as voters in their respective villages.

The first part of the drive will focus on the International
Day for Biological Diversity 22nd May which has the
global theme "Our Solutions are in Nature" and will be
observed with a local theme "Good Governance is a
solution for problems caused to Nature in Goa".

The drive will involve the identification and visit to
various "biodiversity hot spots" in the respective
villages and the photo documentation of the
present problems.

The week long exercise will carry on till 30th May
Goa Statehood Day with the drafting of petitions,
preparing of dossiers, mobilising villagers through
phone calls, emails, whatsapp messages etc. with
the focus on what needs to be done at the
forthcoming Gram Sabha meeting.

Systematic damage to sluice gates, unchecked
hill cutting, rampant fires in cashew plantations
& forested areas, illegal bore wells, dumping of
toxic & plastic waste, destruction of mangroves
are some of the issues that will be highlighted.

The first part of the drive will conclude on 5th June
World Environment Day with the submitting of petitions,
photo documentation dossiers, Gram Sabha proposals
and recommendations on Good Governance to the
Convenor Village Development Committee (VDC),
the Village Panchayat Secretary and the Member
Secretary Goa State Biodiversity Board (GSBB).

GOACAN calls on members of various Biodiversity
Management Committees (BMC), social activists,
consumer forum volunteers and nature lovers to
actively participate in the drive.

Volunteers & activists are advised to take care and
not violate Section 144, follow the lock down conditions
of wearing face masks and maintain social distancing during
the observation of International Day for Biological Diversity.

Copies of the Gram Sabha proposals and recommendations
on Good Governance may be sent on email to

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