
Somehow accidentally, some of my old emails on Goanet did not get discarded from my computer and they proved to be quite interesting when revisited unintentionally.

One that stood out was from Teotonio R. de Souza dated 5/8/04 on the subject of Goan Freedom Fighters. Teotonio explicitly says to F......." I shall be glad if you can provide me (by private mail) what you know or care to tell me of these two "personalities"...." He also tells F......details about a person called " "Dhondo", I would be wearing a cassock [then]." Now this is definitely the same Teotonio who was thoroughly regalled recently by several Goanetters for making public some mail sent privately to him. He has also been rather quiet when challenged on this matter.

I therefore genuinely wonder what kind of intellect requests private mail and is then untroubled in disclosing such (private) mail to all and sundry? Does intellect, morality and integrity not feature in this kind of person's psyche?
Just asking!
Cornel DaCosta, London, UK.

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