The world is full of protests against climate change, a phenomenon that
endangers life in general, with particular emphasis on the survival of

In this respect, undoubtedly, the minimum conditions of habitability for
the human species are at stake.

Geologically speaking, the planet Earth has always experienced climate
change. Natural catastrophes, the nutation movement or the Milankovitch
cycles have existed since the Earth exists.

However, the basic question is not that of the existence of cataclysms, but
*a)* the *frequency, the intensity and the speed with which they have been
occurring* and *b)* man's increasing *inability and responsibility to
nullify their disastrous effects.*

To raise awareness of this cause/effect equation, it is sufficient to pay
attention to phenomena such as:  the exaggerated increase of carbon dioxide
in the atmosphere and the consequent *greenhouse*  effect; the evaporation
generated, not only  from  storms,  but, in a certain sense,
contradictorily, from droughts taking place elsewhere; the progressive
extinction of wildlife;  the hurricanes and tornadoes; ice melting in the
Arctics, the intense rainfalls; floods;,  tsunamis; volcano eruptions;
landslides, rising seawater levels, deforestation and so on.

The impact of *the uncontrolled and unmeasured* extraction of oil and
natural gas from the subsoil on the geological layers, including its Mantle
and the seismic waves, is yet to be measured. For example, it is sufficient
to see how the excess of groundwater consumption, through wells, has given
way to the drying of lakes.

- The assessment of this problem is essentially based on four poles for
reference: *1st* – a political will and purpose;* 2nd* - the availability
of the industrial sector, *3rd* -   a supervisory instrument with imposing
power, and *4th* - public support.

It is well known that the greatest threat against a balanced human life *stems
from man's own action*. Nothing positive will be feasible if the Nations of
the world*, with particular emphasis on the more industrially developed
ones *do not harmonize and agree definitively to achieve the parameters
scientifically assumed as a ‘minimum’ for a well-toned human living.

In this domain, the promises made by the Political Powers of the various
Nations assume no value, as they are of reduced or zero effectiveness.
This occurs because the Political sphere has done nothing but follow the
dictates of the economic sector, which, after all, masters that one.

 - It is essential *that a proactive and* a *serious political will*
overlaps the economic domination, through* coercive determinations, setting
the sustainable limits of the dangers of various activities*, which, if
ignored, would come under the action of the regulatory bodies.

- If it is true that the vital movement of the society spins around
Economics, the truth is that *overproduction* introduces destabilizing
factors in the environmental evolution considered as a whole.

The gas and smoke emissions, resulting from the use of material during a
war, the industrial furnaces, the deforestation, the uncontrolled
exploitation of the soil and the subsoil, the fossil fuel and petroleum,
are some of the macro activities underlying   the   climate change and the
inherent harm, so much spoken about.

Why then, this anxiety for production?

- From repeated promises in the opposite sense, expressed at Conferences,
Covenants and Summits, the truth is that there is an increasing impact of
the destructive effects of this type of activity.

A set of *international supervisory bodies, politically* and
*economically *independent
is necessary, and empowered *to* verify and regulate the *abuses* of this
harm for human survival.

                                     *6) RESPECT FOR THE LOCAL EXISTENTIAL
VALUES* *(cultural, political, religious, social and others)*

In the process of aligning the conditions for a sustainable human life on a
planet with conditions for habitability, the *mutual and reciprocal
dependence of these conditions becomes increasingly evident**, up to a
point that one cannot speak of one of them without making an implicit
reference to the others: *- does the deforestation process in the Amazon
respect the rights of the Amerindians? -  Do the "state of tension" and
wars contribute or not to the land desertification, for the poverty of the
local population, for the migration and the economic dependence of the
victimized country?  - Doesn’t the disrespect of cultural and religious
statutes contribute to an armed conflict, precisely more devastating and
deadly when countries and the population are economically more needy? Has
or not been in the name of religions, or different sects that acts of war
and barbarism have been practiced?

But we must move forward in our reasoning. What does one gain with
defending the supremacy of one way of thinking or that of a thought over
another one? What moral principle determines that one religion or an
economic system is superior or inferior to the other – and worsening of
this process of reasoning when a 3rd party intervenes in the dispute?

(At this point, it is assumed that the reader already understood the range
and the extension of the questions, which could go on covering the other
aspects dealt in this script, but it is up to him to do so).

Underlying these postures there is a conductive line that stirs with
gesture that stirs them. I*t is the ambition, the anxiety for conquest and
territorial appropriation (the* so-called 'vital space') and *the economic
dominance.* This framework of such aspirations can only be explained when a
country either wants to hide the internal weaknesses of its governance or
wants to enrich itself at the expense of another country or nation.

What is the recipe to control this disastrous and often destroying impetus?

"All human beings are equal". This means that there are no people, no
nation, no community or person who holds the truth, because *Truth is*
*relative.* It all depends on the state of knowledge and the gregarious
context of the community to which one belongs. What is true for someone may
not be so to another. The act of living has a meaning when contextualized
and not idealized. That’s why the *parallel evolution of peoples *can be
defended, notwithstanding the acceptance of the beneficial part of the
evolution from others. What is fundamental is that you do not ‘take the
cloud for Juno’ and start henceforth by dominating or neutralizing the
existential vectors of other peoples.

In this context, economy and religion merit particular attention. If,
historically, there can be a certain understanding for the excesses
committed on their behalf, today, their projection escapes the values
achieved by human intelligence – all of these guided by *n *canons of
coexistence, solidarity and humanism.

By what right, can a State try *to impose* on another one how *to
standardize its economy*? What principle determines that *one religion is
superior to another*? But the truth is that, the economically developed
countries and the economically fragile countries as well, based on
such *non-existent
principles* and* rights or on an unnamed god, *trigger wars, foment
conflicts, kill populations, cause migration, destroy homes and slaughter
millions of humans, by far outnumbering the victims of natural disasters.

Resistance, protest and solidarity, are the only means to put an end to
these atrocities.

Up till when?

                                     7) *FOSTERING* *THE KNOWLEDGE AND

>From what is known, the knowledge concerning our planet is very meager. See
for instance: it is   still to be known why the "timing" of the Tectonic
plates movements, generating earthquakes and the activation of volcanoes.
The bottom of the seas and oceans is yet to be explored. The impact of a
meteorite can destroy the planet or make its habitability intolerable.

This introduction is in the way to demonstrate that the state of
contingency of the planet Earth cannot be exclusively attributed to
*human* *action
*and that there are *factors from nature and the universe*, somewhat
external to the human will, which can weaken the planet completely, to an
extent where life becomes impossible or extremely difficult as far as its
existence is concerned.

*But human action can shape in a positive manner this conditionality,
relieving it from the fright of a dreadful cataclysm.*

On the one hand, it is urgent to alert the world population to the peril
itself. This requires first and foremost a proactive activity in this
regard by *a)* the governments themselves. On the other hand, support must
be given to *b) *NGOs truly engaged in this task. The regulatory effect of
these interventions should lead the different societies and communities to
adopt *hygienic* *and sanitation habits, *as factors of self-esteem and
self-conservation. Unfortunately, to this date, the governmental procedure
has not met this requirement, and, on the other hand, the NGOs have been
antagonized, if not even neutralized in their endeavors.

As has already been said, the lack of political will from the government,
comes from the fact that they are *conditioned by economic forces.* As
such, the wish to alter the course of the danger, only goes till the
economic interest consents in it, which practically has been confined to
vain promises that are generally unfulfilled. This political attitude is
contagious and therefore gets widespread to other sectors of the human
activity as well*. Promises are there, but not to be fulfilled.*  The
course that the economic competition between the economically developed
countries has taken, seems misfitted to face humanity and the planet
through the prism of the vectors that determine their vital existence. In
turn, the less-developed countries have not yet been capable to be
autonomous in order to be the owners of their production, which remains
based on the parameters coordinated by the major economies.

However, it is a fact that that investment is going on for scientific
research, and honor should be recognized to the researchers who, in the
beat of time, within the possibilities available, are responding to the
multiplicity of the problems that afflict the living creatures in this
world. *But there is still much, very much, to be investigated.*

But all depends on the *investment *for scientific research, but this has
not been expressive in view of the magnitude of the existing problems and
considering the volume of matters that still have to be investigated, *for
the preservation of Nature, to feed humankind and generate conditions of

Without jeopardizing the space exploration, it would be of total interest
to explore the bottom of the seas for food purposes and other uses; also
the interior of the Earth; to preview earthquakes; to control the
atmospheric conditions, in order to solve, among other dangers, that of the
“greenhouse effect"; to generate artificial rain when necessary, and why
not, to ward off the peril of any meteorite shock; to control the effects
of interplanetary and solar radiations on earth. These are some aspects and
certainly others do exist for science to open the field of action and
clearance for the good of humanity.

Scientific research in all fields of human activity is extremely mandatory
and the priority of priorities.


                        *From Ethics to Solidarity - From Selfishness to
the act of Sharing  *


Every catastrophic event is followed by a campaign of solidarity. Although
not adequate, the context reminds us of the act of sending “flesh to the
cannon” and deaths in the war, with the simultaneous construction of
hospital tents to care for the wounded!

The same should be said of the recent pro-migrant campaign, with particular
emphasis on those fleeing from their country in search of better living
conditions, after their countries were buffeted and destroyed by conflicts
and wars caused by those who took the initiative and sometimes continue to
cherish the continuation of these disputes!

There *are four markers* - 3 of a positive nature and 1 negative - that can
avoid this mean craving for "homo homini lupus" and activate the seven
conditions outlined above.

Of course, this assessment will start not from a zero mark, but from the
current conditions in which characterize the world.


*(ETHICS)*: * It is basic for anyone to respect human life and nature. If
so, destroying to rebuild is unethical.* For this marker to be relevant, it
is essential that its agent stud his actions with the values which underlie
them.   These values focus on ethics.

Well! The world is made up of sovereign States. Whatever be the
circumstances, nothing can legitimize a country, meddling in   the internal
affairs of the other and even less so, when the former seeks to change the
latter’s political and economic regime, making use of hostilities, violent
means such as war or of economic nature such as blockade or economic
sanctions. The least that can be said of this type of action is that it
contradicts ethics.

This assessment is particularly relevant at a* political level, *since it
is from this sphere that aggressive actions and the assumptions that
underpin them are based.

The natural right to human coexistence cannot legitimize actions that
contain the ingredient for the destruction of its species. War is therefore
and by nature an act contrary to ethics and is particularly reprehensible
when moved by selfish interests of *ethnic or religious extraction, or when
founded based on economic superiority or intention of mere territorial
occupation. *

The same can be said in the case of economic blockades, which only
contribute to a heavier burden of needs and suffering for the community,
submitted to this measure.

*(SOLIDARITY)*: Solidarity is not charity. The latter presupposes a feeling
of superiority with relation to the receiver. The former functions on an
equality basis – the donor and the receiver. Dealing in solidarity, the one
who gives incorporates the position of the one who receives, in a soulish
operation in which the donor positions himself as a receiver. In this
paradigm, the act of solidarity, particularly at the political level,
assumes a posture of continuity, ethically founded, covering all the
situations that demand this attitude. This understanding undoes the mask
when, under the appearance of "fostering goodness” cords are being weaved
and foundations laid that cancel the effects of solidarity. In simpler
terms, it would be the case of 'giving with one hand and taking away with
the other'. In other cases, 'solidarity' is carried out with aggression,
under the allegation that humanitarian values, democracy or others of a
different nature are, as such, defended. These are the cases in which the
ethics of the authors of these exploits is marked by canons of iniquity and

A world, where solidarity among communities and nations comes into
existence, is definitely a world where it may be worth living.

*(SELFISHNESS)*: Much of human history has been marked by acts involving
individualistic voluntarism. The reflex of this posture is revealed in the
selfishness that marks the behavior of most of the leaders of many
countries or communities. These responsible people, through   the public
policies and directives which they work out, act as if their will is the
only one that merits existence or think that others must be in a permanent
relationship of dependence with relation to their designs. All phenomena of
exploitation or conflict arise from this ego centrist inspiration. Thus
characterized, selfishness presupposes the existential subordination of all
other States and communities to the interests of the commanding country.

*Up to what extent can a country demand the defense of *its interests in
*another* *(country)?* The answer is simple: As far as this defense
respects the   *sovereignty of this country,* it is guided by the nuance of
international law and the basic principles of communal coexistence. If this
is not the case, the healthy coexistence between countries will be reduced
to a mere chimera, generating imbalances in the mutual relational
treatment, with the risk of slipping into the fringe of conflict – a
situation that, unfortunately, occurs even today.

*(SHARING*) ‘Sharing and not sanctioning’ - will have to be the motto of
the inhabitants of Planet Earth, which is divided into Nations. As already
mentioned, the world presents us with two macroeconomic systems –
capitalism and socialism, *with their respective nuances, which the
countries, through their political institutions, adopt, for different
motivations, in accordance with the demands of the peoples and communities
that compose them.*

The fact of the fundamentals of these two systems being distinct, does not
legitimize any attempt to eliminate or dominate the other (system). After
all, what is the interest of one nation in changing the economic political
system in force in another? In the name of what ethical principle can this
intervention be allowed, which ultimately destabilizes the existing minimum
balance, when there is no measure to ensure the supremacy of one system
over the other?

Sharing is not imposition. Sharing implies the collaboration between the
donor and the receiver. This eventual interaction does not invalidate the
absorption, by any of the parties, of the   attributes or values held valid
from the adverse system. What should not exist is a field for invented
motivations, since the reason for sharing is based precisely on the
material and immaterial basis that constitute the acquis of its active
agent and on the lack of those same assets by the passive agent. In this
respect, it is pure fantasy to believe that a country can share or
contribute to the defense of human rights when it ostensibly disrespects
those rights in its

own domain or   that can contribute for peace by fomenting war or sustain a
permanent state of tension.



*At this point the reader is invited to verify the eventual compatibility
between what is above said and the surrounding reality.*

We are in the year 2022. So far, countless summits, conferences, meetings,
agreements, seminars and other meetings have taken place, to enable
solutions to make Planet Earth more dignified to live in, presently and for
the future. Books, scientific articles, written opinion and theses fill the
libraries and journalistic tableaux and bookstores. Recommendations from
international bodies, programs of specialized bodies and promises from
political leaders grasp the trust of the world's inhabitants. Undoubtedly
something has been done, but the mere observation of the daily reality that
one lives no longer *whispers to us, but tells us,* loud* and clear,
*that *almost
everything is yet to be done.*

It is uncomfortable to accept what has been said above, particularly by
countries and government leaders, as the big responsible ones for the
policies that are being followed, with results that are more than evident
and felt.

And the most serious thing is that there's no *plan B* to talk about!

For a *real* *humanization of the political decision-making,* *based on *the
above-mentioned composite *conditioning, supported *by the *coordinates
therein referred,* *is the path that can be followed. *

*It's worth a try. *

Lisbon – 30th/Jan/2022.

António Bernardo Colaço

                                              (Justice of the Supreme Court
of Justice - Portugal)

(Part 2 - the end)


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