*                                                             PLANET EARTH*

*          Seven (7)* *COMPOSITE* *Conditions for the survival
(habitability) of the humanity*

*Brief* *notes on* *the* *contents and* the *purpose of the text.*

Currently, there is an intense movement (I would say unprecedented)
worldwide to avoid human extermination and the danger of a debacle of the
Planet Earth.

Underlying this materiality, there are feelings of insecurity, instability
of living, suffering from the harmful material conditions of everyday life,
lack of confidence for a better future and particularly a growing tendency
towards dehumanization.

– "Homo homini lupus" seems to be the motto. In the meantime, miraculous
promises for a better world are forwarded, but they have never known any
practical fulfillment – being mere good intentions of style, they lead to


Congresses, summits, agreements, pacts, conferences and other movements of
this kind, to make Planet Earth more livable, have taken place. It is also
known that, for more than a decade, little has been achieved for this goal.
But promises do not lack, as, also there is no shortage of protests to
prove the vacuity of those achievements and their almost null value. And
what is the reason?

It is because, each participant in these achievements, is limited by the
guidelines he (she) takes from the respective government. Thus, he (she)
does nothing but represent the political and economic interests at a
national level – that is to say, that everything is conditioned by the
defense of the respective industrial productivity in a context of intense
economic competitiveness.  In short, the policy of "the dense smoke of
heavy blast factories” overlaps when confronted with the issue of climate

*The present work will not *mention the* names *of* the personalities
directed to bear responsibilities. Mentioning them would be a gesture that
leads to nothing.* Nevertheless, they are the servers of ideas generated in
order to achieve goals that satisfy mere conjunctural objectives.
Therefore, if responsibility is enacted, it involves particularly those who
hold the Power. Similarly, it is assumed that the phenomena that tear up
and destabilize life in the various countries, and accordingly felt, are
well known to the citizens of the world – not only by the suffering lot but
also, by those who watch the occurrences, however, powerless to obviate
them. The citizens of the world know the origin of the menace and who to
attribute it.

Thus, the purpose of this work is not to accuse, but to try to solve this
apparent fatality, in order to make life more desirable to live, *wherever
one lives.*

*The basic problem is the pending destruction of the assumptions on which
human survival is based and the utility, or else, the existence of the
planet Earth, the way we wish it to be.* *The gradual increasing practice
of destructive acts, despite all the requests and recommendations for their
restraint, proceeds progressively and mercilessly. It’s devastating effects
are* *felt daily in the span of* *human* *life, signaling the final
destruction in a few decades, if this ongoing practice does not stop


We are entering into the 3rd decade of the 21st century and all that is
done and practiced is by invoking Democracy and Civilization – an almost
unanimous proclamation of Nations. *But the truth is that nothing
quantitatively worthy, corresponding to these values is achieved.*
Practically everything is left aside, by way of purposes and / or promises.
In other words, and gilding the pill, it may be said that, for each gesture
apparently leading to counteract the phenomenon of destruction, *n* situations
are generated simultaneously in order* to* neutralize the feat.


*It's due to the system.* But what system? One may ask. The one dictated by
Capitalism? Or, by Socialism? Or, by the symbiosis of the two? It is known
that both are economic/financial systems to manage human societies
formatted as Nations. Theoretically, the second system would follow the
first one, but the current reality of the world presents us with a picture
in which *i) **the two systems coexist,* *ii)* even though, any of the two,
assumes shades and changes that vary from country to country.

>From this structural context, a conjectural division of the world
into* 2* *blocks
*is drawn* - *the capitalist and the socialist ones – presently based on
the *appetites for the predominance of economic nature, *however, with a
major impact of the 1st one. This is the reality with which we cope up till
today. It could not be so, if each country confined itself to the economic
development of its own people, in a rational sharing of the surplus of its
wealth with other countries. *But if this happened what would be the use or
the need for the existence of the Block policy?*


In the current phase of world development, this fictional existence of Two
Blocs, based on economic predominance, is stigmatized by a *political
ingredient, which *results in a permanent *state of war tension* – the only
way to animate the economic production, namely the highly profiting *arms*

In order to justify this state of things, different theories abound,
destined to maximize dangers,   which in the long run represent nothing
more than adminicular details or simplistic justification  to justify what
is unjustifiable.


Everywhere, movements and protests abound, against the instability of life,
affecting all countries in the world. The populations live in a permanent
insecurity and emotional tension, produced by real regional conflicts and
the threat of war that can unexpectedly arise somewhere in the world.

The maxim "homo homini lupus" has never been sneakier, lashing human life
as it is now.


In global terms, Nature, apart from its adjustments from the universal
structure, merely monitors human stupidity, noting only its consequences,
which sooner or later will be felt, according to the scientific


*WHAT TO DO? That is the question.*

The problem of the planet’s defense and, more explicitly, of the human
survival with dignity, depends, from our point of view, on a set of
*factors* or *conditions,* that have been dealt with, individually or *in
an isolated form*, as such, losing the impact of a *composite
approach**, *which
is essential for a minimal understanding of this complex issue.

As has already been mentioned, (and we insist again), in this process of
appreciation we will *avoid the temptation for any mention or criticism*
against any organization, or achievement, or personality, or entity
involved in this matter, because what is intended, is not to demolish or
shun off whatever has been done, but to achieve a proactive posture in
solving the problems that afflict the threatened mankind.

                                                                    #  #  #

This work is based on the impulse of simple ideas, which aim at the
much-desired success of the attempts to make the world more dignified to
live in, more supportive i.e., more human. The statistical reference has
been intentionally omitted, as it can be easily reached through available

*By opting for these parameters, avoiding marginal considerations, we tried
to leave it up to the addressee – the responsible political entity or the
reader – the burden of meditating on each sentence, extracting its meaning
in accordance with his cultural formation and the sense of social ethics,
assessing the consequences of the 'achievements' so far made and charting
the course for the future of the universal community*. *In the course of
this analysis, it will be easy and frequent to* *locate the contradictions
of the political leaders’ activity, but simultaneously envisage t*he*
indicator that can decisively contribute to reassume a healthy coexistence*
among the* peoples that inhabit the world.*

Given the active complementarity of the ideas - force and the respective
assessments and analysis, the addressee will find repeated references to
the same aspects, contexts and phenomena. By following such a methodology,
the only purpose is to highlight the inter communicability of the attitudes
therein contained, involving actions that can only be productive when
activated in a *conjugated format* and never in isolation.


*                                                                       #

*                  1) EXTINCTION OF MILITARY BLOCKS (War Blocks)*

The invention of Military Blocs assumes a *provocative nature*, fostering a
permanent state of regional or global political tension.

Without ever jeopardizing the existence of a military apparatus and
consequent arms production for purely *defensive purposes* at the national
level of each country, it should be stressed that now, any Military Pact
takes an offensive stance, dragging the free choice of a country, as a
sovereign country, when in it involved, as far as its existence is

No country or people wants war. This implies the use of weapons to kill. No
one wants to die. The intellectual evolution of human society, despite its
difficulties in daily life, wherever it may occur, is averse to any
war/conflict. War breeds destruction, misery, disgrace and refugees. The
recent past has shown that wherever it took place, these were precisely the
consequences; the war never having solved any of the problems that were set
to be solved.

War or its threat, has turned to become a business, either to produce war
material or for arms sale to other countries. The war industry is the
greatest support of the economic strength of the country dedicated to its
production. From this point of view, one can understand the involvement of
the military and the militarist administrations and the large private arms
production industry.

War has always had and continues to have an economic motivation, but
disguisedly exhibited as ethical, religious, political, ideological or
domination, for its acceptance and its message to be more appealing.

The mere existence of military blocks, assumes today, an authentic forum of
paroxysm. It is enough to consider the terrible results of its latest
exploits, spreading destruction, generating migrations, fomenting hunger
and requiring astronomical sums for its pursuit. This is the reason why the
maintenance or the creation of new military blocs, *particularly on the
fringes of the economically destitute countries*, only contributes to a
growing disgrace of their populations.

So where does the commitment for the fiction of Military Blocks lie?

Apart from the budgetary expenditure for defensive purposes in military
matters, I leave it up to the reader to imagine the productive destiny that
the money budgeted and spent in the war offensive aspects could have and
consequently contribute to peace and welfare of the peoples of the world.


Once again, the economic aspect is revealing, not only in the substantial
exploration aspect, but also in the existential domain of the countries
concerned. Concerning this aspect, it is sufficient to pay attention to the
photographic review and the news with which the media toasts us almost
daily - badly nourished children marked by the sign of misery, people
fleeing in despair, insecurity of life and violence generated in the
aftermath of provoked wars, migratory movements of uncertain fate, for many
people, all ending in an ill-fated or murderous hope.

Among many countries, the factors generating wealth in some of them, have
not always been marked by the prism of reciprocity. Many have enriched
themselves at the expense of others; as such, there are no rich or poor
countries *by the destiny of nature.* Historically, expansion and
mercantilist activity starting from the 15th century, (which, later,
degenerated into colonialism), gave birth to the category of *dominant*
country and   *dominated country,* materially expressed in the exploitation
of the wealth from the 2nd by the 1st category. This resulted in breaking
up completely the productive structure of the exploited (dominated)
country. The terms of trade became almost entirely unbalanced, in a process
with the clear involvement of the local governmental and economic elites.
That’s why we usually see these elites participating in the process of
slavery and in the economic exploitation of the indigenous population.
(Later on, this phenomenon would be followed by the Liberation movements,
led by the bourgeoisie giving rise to Nations, which, with rare exceptions,
adopted the political and economic regimes of the dominant countries).

Therefore, the dichotomy - *dominant country /dominated country *- is the
one that best suits today's reality, despite the political 'independence'
of the exploited country. As such, the matter cannot be restricted in the
mere terms of the wealth or the poverty of countries. *All countries are
self-reliant and, as such, rich.* What can be said is that the "wealth" of
some of them is being *added* to the "wealth" of others, without existing
any proper compensation for this “addition”.  Concerning this aspect one
can just refer to the raw materials of all sorts (right from the spices, to
oil, precious stones, natural gas etc.) which support the big industrial
companies in the so called, developed world.

*This disastrous process that continues, more and more forcefully, must be
put to an end. Only then, with the balance sheet adjusted, the
infrastructural problems duly solved, with uncompromised local elites, that
remaining part of human species, today nicknamed poor, will be in the real
path of development, making use of its wealth. *


"Religion is the opium of the people." Expressed in isolation, the phrase
sounds rebellious. The idea-force must, however, be equated in the context
in which it was uttered. Its *double* *dimension has* been ignored. On the
one hand, it figured religion as an agent, which impelled the believer to
passivity, in face of the exploitation of the economic system that
victimized him; on the other, it highlighted the active role of religion,
whilst involving itself in an adverse political position, counteracting,
whenever the metaphysical standards were undervalued in the process of
social evolution.

Historical data is well known, concerning this disproportionate
interventionism of religions in this domain. The different forms of this
intromission – be it, under the cover of a doctrinal chauvinism; or, in the
form of a missionary proselytism; or under the modality of an adaptation to
the static standards of the social life.

In all these procedural formats, religion served to legitimize
confrontations between human communities, foment wars, generate social
differentiations, destroy history, disrespect other religions, all ending
in the undeniable support to the established political power (of the
moment), no matter how bad it was, provided the system facilitated the
social control by "faith".

The problem of the influence of religions in human societies is highly
touchy and dangerous, since it escapes the rationalized control of
individual or group behavior.

*However*, the metaphysical standardization is always acceptable when *not
fanaticized*, since in this dimension it can generate acts of the purest
irrationalism, giving rise to instability, namely, of horizontal effect, in
most countries. *The situation becomes more burdensome when religious
influence is intertwined by political power itself, giving rise to
so-called "Religious States" in a confused but blatant active handling of*

It is therefore necessary to put an end to this state of organizational

A conciliatory approach should be focused, not so much on the political
sphere, but with the responsible religious heads and advisors of the
respective regional and local communities professing the traditional

                                     4)* FOR A RATIONAL* *AND* *ETHICAL

For humankind to exist and subsist, it must be productive. "It's the
economy – stupid" (is the title of a written script of ours, meaning that
most of the issues prowl around *economy)*). But produce! How? How much?
To begin with, these are the two questions on which it is urgent to take a
definitive posture.

The history of human evolution tells us that, today we are faced with two
antagonized economic systems - *capitalism* and *socialism* (as already
referred above). This situation gave birth to a rivalry, as far as world
economic domination is concerned, giving way to hegemonic ambitions of
territorial spaces in which Nations with dependent economies are included.

An unbridled production by highly developed countries, along with the
profit it provides, manages to increase the state of dependence and control
of other countries (less developed), thus establishing the necessary state
of "tension" to maintain this dominating control. This state allows the
development of the war industry, the most profitable one can think of. War
is a side product (by-product) of this economic policy.

Overproduction is therefore the way to increase *profit *and *achieve the
domination of the territorial space* *(sic. Nations).*

It is interesting to note how these trends affect specifically the
dominated nations (as mentioned in condition 2). Attending that most of
these nations have adopted the economic pattern of the dominant nations,
the policy dictated by the local elites end up victimizing their own
communities, which they control also through a policy of exploitation. In
some cases, this state of dependency fosters the personal benefits of these
elites, to the detriment of the communities they were supposed to benefit
(lack of infrastructure, education and other aspects in general).

Nuclear power plants, high industrial furnaces and their smoking tails,
deforestation, the uncontrolled extraction and exploitation of the subsoil
are some of the most prominent activities included in this program.

*It is at this point, that it is necessary to question the volume of
production, its repercussions on the sharing of the profit as such
generated and its management for the benefit of humankind – this being the
central issue that animates us. *

For a company*, production* is a variable that is activated according to
the *needs of world* *consumption.* An uncontrolled and unbridled
production is destabilizing by nature, because it generates surpluses and
becomes useless in terms of consumption. As for the *profit, *it is a
structural component of any business management and is conditioned by two
factors:  - its productivity/labor maintenance and, - as a provision/saving
for the current development of the manufacturing unit. Everything that goes
beyond these two constraints, invades the field of *social abuse and
unruliness*, which must be counteracted and avoided.

*However**, it is essential to make it very clear, about the importance of
the economy at the existential level of world society and with relation to
the development of any nation. *The problem lies in the way the product of
the economic achievement is used and put to serve countries, i.e., their
populations, namely, in terms of the *distribution* and the *use* of the
product in order to avoid *malnutrition *and *hunger, as is the case in
many countries.*

Reasoning a little further, one can easily see that it is precisely at this
point that the problem  of the dangers concerning *climate change* are
being placed, as well as that of moralizing the productive and social
sectors of humanity.

To be continued (end of part 1)     António Bernardo Colaço


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