The ideal way to control traffic and safety of pedestrians  is by traffic
lights and cameras to check on errant drivers
In Goa the highways are being  decorated with rumbler strips
The cure is worst than disease.  The rumbler strips damage vehicles and
injuries to spinal chord and pregnant women and are scientifically
pronounced as positive  health hazzard. The nuisance of intolerable,
rattling sounds vibrating structures and disturbing peace of elderly, sick
is 24x7.The protection needed is for certain peak  hours.The sound
pollution act of Goa provides peaceful atmosphere  beyond at least
10.p.m.There is no road discipline and motorist defy  to reduce speed  or
respect the measure.Overtaking dangerously on rumbler strips is  another
more dangerous  ourcome.The height has to be  reduced as it serves no
purpose of safety to riders or vehicles
The appeals to  GSPC board to measure  the decibels is falling on deaf
years inspite of continous reminders to act even on payment of
service.There is much to gain by unfailingly  visiting music  festivals to
monitor and enforce regulations The police too piously visit dance halls
.PWD opines that police must take note of rumbler sound  nuisance and is
ridiculous suggestion
The well intended measure of safety is not effective
Mass protests . Appeals to PWD.traffic  control..CM. Deputy Collector
Signature campaigns are treated with impunity and refusing to visit the
site and assure themselves  of nuisance  to elderly sick senior citizens
right to at least peaceful night siesta.The sound does not disperse as the
residences are in close proximity with sound felt over a radius 150 metres
and beyond

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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