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 TRI Continental Film Festival - Dona Paula, Goa, Sep 28 - Oct 2, 2007

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) That homosexuality goes against nature.
Not true. Homosexual behaviour has been observed in
the animal kingdom as well, most notably the Bonobo
apes. You may want to read this article from the

Albert writes
So Selma you want us to be in the class of Apes ? Man is a superior being 
and he must know to apply his knowledge in the right direction. I do not 
want to elobrate on this as I will have to explain to you more of biology 
which may be new concept to you. Selma please do not try to defend any 
modern concept just for the sake of defending. Be proud that you belong to 
Homo sapiens .Be proud that God has given us brain to think, memorize, plan 
etc and that has to be used in the right direction. We cannot use modern 
science to finally put us in the catogory of wild animals. JUST BECAUSE dOGS 
MAKE NOISE ON THE ROADS  in the months of july to august and run round the 
bitch we too have to do that. animals are governed by instinct but not human 
beings. Even if you bring a top scientist of the world to convience me that 
homosex should be accepted I will not accept it. It is a disgrace to be 
homosexual. It is a disgrace to enjoy sex with same sex. I do not care what 
the whole world may say, I am prepared to stand alone to condemn the same 
.In this concept majority does not win.

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