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Dear Pravin:

Your handler Puniyani is a accomplished purveyor of
half truths. When asked for clarifications he neatly
sidesteps the issue and refuses to give a straight

In an article he was very critical of the RSS attempts
to spread its ideology among the tribals of gujarat
amd orissa. He is unjustly critical of religious
figures like Asaram bapu and  Pandurang Shastri
Athavle of the renowned Swadhyaya Movement and a
winner of the magsasay prze 
Yet he never utters a word against the unethical and
often highly provocative methods used by foreign
missonaries to convert tribals to christianity

Much of the violence in the tribal areas is a direct
result of the activities of the missionaries there

Ghelubhai nayak, a renowned gandhian working in the
Dangs for almost 50 years has written a nice article
abt the problem. No wonder your idol Puniyani never
mentions it in any of his articles

In another article Puniyani unfairly criticises
Savarkar as a Manuvaadi. Savarkar was in fact the
first Hindu leaders to publicly work for the
eradication of caste. He build a temple called
"Patit-Pawan Mandir" and appointed a 'harijan' as the
priest in attendance It was designed by Dhananjay

He also opened a hotel where food was served by the
dalits and worked incessantly for eradicating

Puniyani also insinuates that Savarkar told caste
hindus that no untouchables would be allowed to enter
their temples. In fact,Savarkar wrote a letter to the
caste hindus in NAsik where the dalits were demanding
temple entry and requested them not to obstruct the
Dalits. That letter was published in Times on 20h
march 1931 titled "touching letter to hindus"

I can go on and on but it would hardly matter. 


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