Dear Jason:

Thanks to Cecil, I got this opportunity to read your
response to my
post.I am responding because unlike a few here on
goanet, you do appear sincere
and deserve a well thought response.

let me recapitulate the gist of my reaction in short
random points:

You said: "On the contrary, what you seem to be
suggesting is
that what does not gel with YOUR opinion should really
not be aired on public fora. hmmm...."

That is not what i said or suggested,In fact I am all
for airing opinions
however divergent they may be. I only expect that
everyone else be given the same
privelege. In india it is the duty of the courts to
decide what is free speech or 
not.however flawed the legal process may be.Till the
court decides that FACT
is violating its right to free speech.let us allow it
this indulgence.

You said: "in Goa, where the Muslim is not a problem,
the threat to upper-caste Hindu nationalist interests
were the Catholic elite, and this is what is attacked
when the opportunity presents itself.

It has become fashionable to blame everything on
"upper castes" isnt it? 
Much like the muslims  tend to blame the jews for
Has it ever occured to you that narendra modi, vinay
katiyar, kalyan singh
uma bharti,are all not upper caste? many of the VHP
Bajrang dal leaders are 
also non upper caste.
Why do the educated catholic elite ( at least some of
them) in goa particularly in panaji 
support Parrikar?

In Pakistan there are no "upper caste" hindus or
RSS.Yet why are muslims
slaughtering each others there? well if its not the
RSS then its america, the "big satan"
isnt it?  there is always a convenient "other" to

You said: "But once again Bhandare baab, if only you
had visited
and then opted to defend them i would have had more

I also mentioned that I do not agree with everything
FACt or HJS says or what Francois Gautier
writes. I merely tried to expose the different
standards applied to different people.
Your implication that I am a fascist is mere
conjecture, probably arising out of some prejudice.
There is a obvious difference in supporting what they
say and supporting their right to say it.
You also said:" Once more, Bhandare presumes that the
meeting was
peaceful, without visiting it. Further, violence need
not necessarily be physical harm. It can be words and
daily acts as well"

Again you are "presuming" what I "presumed"
Presumptions and assumptions apart, I did not 
read any news report that there was physical violenece
at any of the FACT exhibitions anywhere in the country

Let me digress and give you an example. The RC Church
and the Pope routinely villifies sexual minorities 
and abortion rights groups.Much of the violence and
prejudice against gays is a direct result of such 
vile propagandaby the church. Do you hold the Pope and
the RC Church to the same high standards of 
liberalism and tolerance? 

Sects like the Believers essentially proclaim the
"good news" by denigrating other religions and even
other christian denominations themselves.
Does that fall under the category of "hate speech"?
You say"Bhandare makes a reference to the Godhra train
incident and blames Muslims for it. And yet, despite
this rumour that allowed for many more Muslims to be
killed, it has still not yet been established who in
fact set fire the train"

Well to be honest it has not even been established who
destroyed the WTC in NYC, or if man really landed on
the moon.
In fact, according to the Flat earth Society, the
earth is indeed flat.A large majority of the muslim
still blame Bush and the israeli mossad for the WTC
Once again,I am not a arsonist, so i am unaware of the
physics of starting a fire in a
locked train compartment.I believe that a mob of
muslims torched the train.

 Finally you say"all Hindutvawadis inherently communal
(and violent).

On one hand you claim that one can not blame the
entire group for the misdeeds of a few.
yet paradoxically, you do the same when it suits you.
By your logic is it fair to assume
that the entire RC Church is a paedophile organization
because of the way in which it refuses to act 
against its errant members? True, there are RSS
members who are violent,and they must be punished
to law. Assuming that roughly 50% of indian adults
vote and around 30% of those voted for the
BJP, and further assuming that maybe half of those are
hindutvawadis, that would make it 50 million
violent fundamentalists. scary,isnt it?

I said" Francois gautier , a Frenchman is a journalist
 infinitely more calibre than Jason."

In retrospect that was an unnecessary comment, i am in
no position to comment on the
 calibre of both of you. I agree that many indians
seek some sort of legitimacy for their beliefs because

a "firangi" is saying the same thing. Once again
gautier's writings and comments are irrelvant to
this discussion IMHO.

I do not know what your agenda is, but if you really
want to find out the truth you will have 
to answer a lot of questions. Many of your beliefs may
be proven false, and you will have to have the 
courage to accept that. Many people here on Goanet
have a policy of "shoot and scoot"
I hope you are different from them!




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