Dear Jason:

Thanks for your response. I will try to adress some of
the issues you raised. 

 As regards giving the benefit of doubt to muslims I
will do that provided you also return the favor. Are
you ready to speculate that pastor Staines committed
suicide and killed his kids to protect them from
dara singh? or the muslims in Gujarat commited
harakiri to save themselves from the rioteers? You
speculation works both ways :-) So why not speculate
this way rather than blame Hindutva?

As regards the commision reports and i presume you are
reffering to the Bannerjee commision, are you ready
to accept every commision  set up by the Govt of India
or are you going to decide the usefulness/validity
of a commission depending on whom it blames? For
example, the wadhwa commision exonerated the RSS
in the Staines murder..are you willing to accept that
report? the RSS was exonerated of mahatmas murder too
by a similar commssion..

The RC church has collected billions of dollars from
gullible folks for the purpose of charity and
alleviating human suffering, and used that money to
buy justice None of the paedophiles have ever been
punished and the Pope himself instructed his cardinals
not to collaborate with law enforcemnet efforts. All
this is in public domain. yet you see no
problems in associating with such an organization and
expressing dissent when you feel fit. By the
 same token , do you accept that there are thousands
of RSS members who dissent with some things that
 the  organization does? But you seem to tar all the
RSS people with the same brush...

As regards freedom of speech I consider it absolute.
everyone has a right to say freely what one wants, 
and you by the same token have a right to protest.What
is incitement of hatred for me might be a tenet
of the religion for you and vice versa.from what I
understand from your point regarding the "believers"
i presume that you will have no problem if I start
preaching that muslims and christians are inherently
unpatriotic and inferior people. I do not understand
how do you draw the line between propaganda and actual
incitement to violence...because one inevitably leads
to the other in due course of time.

If you have carefully read my posts on Goanet, I have
never defended all that the HJS or the RSS does. I
have merely tried to expose the hypocrisy and the
arrogant self righteous attitude of a few vocal
posters on Goanet who selectively target the Hindutva
organizations. In my opinion these people who
circulate biased white papers, screen films which are
designed to spread mistrust and facilitate talks by
communal elements have no moral right to criticise
what the HJS is doing.That has been the gist of my



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