
What can Goan expats do to help save Goa?  (including Goans living in India but 
outside Goa)


--- "Rajan P. Parrikar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

To Goanet -

A small group gathered this evening (Wed, Nov 14, 2007)
at the site of the proposed SEZ in Keri, Ponda taluka.

This quintessential Goan Hindu village, ringed with
hills, is the birthplace of one of the world's greatest
20th C musicians, Kesarbai Kerkar.  It is also home to
two charming temples, one of Vetal, the other of


To summarize: We are dealing with savages here, enemies
of civlization.  The current corrupt government of Goa
is wholly complicit in this barbarism.

Warm regards,


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