* GOANET **** C * O * M * M * U * N * I * T * Y **** E * V * E * N * T *
      Xavier Center of Historical Research  presents  HISTORY HOUR
       TOPIC:  Waste Wise - An Interactive Awareness Presentation
                        on Waste Management in Goa

          SPEAKER:  Clinton Vaz - November 16, 2007 - 5:30pm

                      VISIT: http://tinyurl.com/222757
Carmo DCruz cdcruz at fit.edu
Sat Nov 3 13:48:30 PDT 2007 wrote:
Hey Guys,
Cut this Crap ! Its hogging precious bandwidth and
getting us Goenkars mad at each other.
What say Cedric Pereira, Vece Paes, John Zuzic Correia
? We had a way to deal with such guys at NIS Patiala
in the mid 70s. We would Dhap the guys
with Rajinder or Surjit's heavy hockey sticks and they
would straighten up by day's end ! 
Mario observes:
Good one, Carmo.
Your methodology, apparently learned at IIT Kharagpur
and NIS Patiala, is to stop the squabbling by
"Dhapping" the squabblers "...with Rajinder or
Surjit's heavy hockey sticks and they would straighten
up by day's end !"
Sounds like something taught at the Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad School of Political Science if you ask
What you call "squabbling" others may call "freedom of
speech".  What kind of Goans would we be if we didn't
exercise this freedom, which we all seem to take for
granted, until we realize that many of our brethren do
not have such freedoms?
Besides, why are you suddenly getting queasy?  You are
a pretty good squabbler yourself, as I recall from
your BB posts of yesteryear, not to mention your
correspondance with your ever-loving cousin in the

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