Seems to me that what Goa's urban areas need, is legislation to preserve its natural environment and character! Something with a slogan attached that everyone could get behind like " If mother nature is well looked after, she will give back in ABUNDANCE". I am a firm believer of that! Public education is the key. They must be made aware of their local vegetation and any biodiversity status they have the proud guardianship for.These are issues the western world is also realizing, as a component of harmonious urbanization. Developers must be provided with both incentives (the carrot) and deterents (the stick) to do the right thing. There must be centrally enforceable regulation to ensure natural spaces or landscaping per house,building and other run off areas like roads/paving. The privacy issue is useful in determining this. I'm an ex pat Goan now living in Perth Australia and I remember when my family first migrated to OZ and arrived in Melbourne in 1987. It was quite the shock. Even though Melbourne was reffered to as the Garden state, the wall to wall nature of Grey paving and not seeing or hearing the beloved music of palm trees was a really rough adjustment. At the moment I'm a firm proponent of native gardening and conservation of our natural treasures. I feel I owe it to my offspring and all future generations! We certainly have the technology now more than ever to achieve this harmony!
Here's to a world of love and harmony! Cheers!

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