*hopefull not an overposte; just concerned Goa Tourism site is still
does not display content and am guessing something is terribly wrong*

If there is someone on the Goanet with connections to the Tourism
moontri or someone in terry-cot shirt pant in the Department of
Tourism, please pass this on to them (as a consultancy fees, they can
send someone with a briefcase of crisp notes to Cancona Tisk on an
appointed day)!!

In my view Goa Tourism should have registered the following domains
way way back; these are all taken.
GoaTourism---------Com, Net, Com.Org, Com.In

The above domains are taken and registering a domains without a
dot-COM is usless (you may disagree but most business have realised
the importance of a dot-COM name). The following are available and I
would say, a twisted folk at Goa Tourism should grab Sunny Goa and
make it a brand name.
BeautifulGoa.Com<---this is available but inapproprate
SunnyGoa.com <----this would be approprate since irrespective of all
the dirt, the mess and the incomprehnsible political mess, the sun
will certainly shine.

Lastly, they should send a notice to the current registrant of
GoaTourism.Com sighting the use of Goa Tourism (this name has been in
use for a long long time) as common law use of a name (I forget the
exact term).

And if they cannot figure out how to make the change of name popular
across the internet, they can send another officer with a suitcase
filled with notes to Cancona Tisk and I will show you how to make a
name popular!!


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