The Santosh Trophy was 1972 but the Goa-Bengal semi-final (the closest
Goa came in the old days to getting into the finals)  was at Tilak
maidan (maybe the first leg was at Campal).
The game was tied even after extra time and none of us who attended a
certain school were let off to watch the tie-breaker Monday afternoon;
we never forgave the Principal who failed to understand our passion
and was ultimately one of the saddest day for any young person in Goa.
 It was the most important event ever in our lives (Goa was at a
stand-still in expectation) and a proud moment for everyone (think it
was the first time Goa made it to the semis and were playing their
bitterest rivals, Bengal). I still remember everyone asking if it
'happened' (jik-le ree), that is, had Goa made it to the finals and
the expressionless, motionless blank faces  were self-explanatory.
People gathered in small groups all over and spoke in hushed tones. It
was a weird day. A great footballing spirit had temporarily died.
For the longest time, there were discussions about Bernard's penalty:
did it go in and break the net (and the ball drop out again) or did he
shoot over? Those were the days there was no tv and tv replays. The
explanation was he shot over.

Bernard, who lived in my hood was not seen for the couple of days (I
think I saw him in the balcony the next morning, but I ain't sure) and
at every opportunity, small groups of people gather round him (I guess
to ask him about the moment).

This was also a Santosh Trophy marred by another controversy: the
captain of the Goa selection was not of Goan origin and there was a
rumor a letter was sent in red ink stating the obvious. And those were
the days passion for football spilled into incomprehensible madness.
Today, Goa wins the Santosh regularly but its not the same: Goa should
have won it when we hosted it for the first time was the common
thinking and we had a team of greats that year. And Goans all over
wanted this to be a defining moment. There was not much to be proud of
those days. This was to be a defining year for Goa in Indian football.
There were spirit, there were desire to be Indias great football
playing territory.

I sometimes saw Bernard around the oak tree meeting place in Dhobi
Talao (around Baastani's/Kiyanis) and apparently he ran a small store
in the area. And many many years later, there was a
conversation-stopping awe of him, his wild shot in a football field!
There was revenge of sorts: one wanted to see Goa beat Bengal, live
and and live the moment and it happened many years later at Campal
where the Goa womens team beat Bengal 3-0. The crowd was mad with joy.
This was sweet revenge and some of the names of this afternoon were
Elma, Yolanda, Socorina...

On 1/20/08, Rajan P. Parrikar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To Goanet -
> I have very fond memories of Domnic's dazzling skills.
> As a boy in shorts, I remember going to the Campal
> ground to see Vasco Sports Club's matches.  Domnic
> was of slight built, not very tall.  He was the star
> in Goa's match against Bengal in the 1971 (or 1972)
> Santosh Trophy that was held in Campal.  It was the
> same match during which the wooden stands came
> down injuring many spectators (anybody remembers
> this?).  I distinctly recall Domnic drawing the ire of
> the boorish Bengali players (one of them was an
> extreme uncouth named Habib) by his virtuosity
> with the ball.  I recently asked a friend here about
> Domnic's current whereabouts.
> Full back Nicholos, Sesa Goa's Lobo (captain of Goa),
> Brahmanand  etc - ah, those were the days.  All gone
> now with the advent of ghatis and the Dilli savages.
> Regards,
> r
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"Explanation Destroys Art."

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