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To misquote the Bible: man does not live by Science alone :-)

On 26/01/2008, Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Since Frederick chose to misinterpret the note of
> caution that I had sounded, let me make it clear that

That I misinterpreted you may be a fact ... that I *chose* to do it is
your opinion. An unverifiable one at that, because you would never
know my motivations here :-)

> the issue is neither why nor whether one should become
> a vegetarian, as a matter of personal choice. The
> issue is simply whether to uncritically accept the
> propaganda that a vegetarian diet is always healthy.

You have a point here. But this is not an issue for me. It is not
something I would worry about too much, and it's certainly not the
basis on which I would base my decision on.

Healthy in what sense? If I get the mental satisfaction of doing the
right thing, who is the god called Science to dictate and tell me that
I'm doing the wrong thing? Even if my decision is faulty, inefficient
and wrong, don't I have the freedom to decide for myself?

> Frederick's remark below now also raises some other
> serious questions:

> Would he actively try to convert others e.g. his child
> to vegetarianism without caring to find out whether it
> is healthier or not?

I am not actively trying to convert anyone. Not even my child. (Even
if I wanted to, I wouldn't be able to do it, my wife is non-veg and I
don't cook!) I'm just telling you what my perspective on this issue

> In preaching his ideology to others would he also tell
> them, as he himself does, to disregard scientific
> facts about potential benefits and harms of a
> vegetarian diet?

The linguistics used above seems to be getting loaded: "ideology",
"potential benefits" "harms".

There are many decisions in my life which I don't take recourse to
Science to base my decision on. The colour of my underwear, the food I
eat, and the flame-baits I fling via Goanet are some of these

> If we don't want our beliefs to hurt anybody we have
> an obligation to ensure that they are not harmful
> before recommending them to others.

I am not recommending my views to anyone. All that I could say is, if
you come across a magazine called ANIMAL LIBERATION published from
somewhere in Australia (it was so long ago), don't don't dare to open
it and read it, unless you have a really open mind on these things.

Also, if you give up meat, you just might not end up missing it. Or
don't bother about it, and one day that man in a white coat, called a
doctor in the world of Science, might just turn around and tell you to
avoid eating red meat on health grounds... which is when it will
really hurt you, because you'll then be under compulsion to follow the
advice :-)

Of course, you don't need to take anything I wrote above seriously. I
just find it fun being an (impure) vegetarian, and don't need to
justify my actions on the above to anyone in the world :-) FN
Frederick Noronha http://fn.goa-india.org Ph +91-832-2409490
The Goa books blog: http://goabooks.wordpress.com
Goa1556 (alt.publishing.goa): http://goa1556.goa-india.org
  • [G... Santosh Helekar
    • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया
    • ... Mervyn Lobo
      • ... Santosh Helekar
        • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया
    • ... Kevin Saldanha
    • ... Santosh Helekar

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