wrote :

1. Perhaps Dr Anand is joking when he says that Modi did not use the
Hindutva card in the Gujarat election. Perhaps he should refer to the
newspapers and newscasts of the day to refresh his memory. When Modi
found that he was not making much ground on the development card, he
resorted to Hindutva by blatantly justifying the extrajudicial killing
of Sohrabuddin and making subtle threats of how other muslims would be
dealt with in Gujarat. This appeal for blood made the difference to the
margin of victory. Otherwise, if you scan the records, you will observe
that prior to Godhra, the BJP was consistently losing every election -
be it gram panchayat, municipal. In fact in the last Lok sabha
elections, the BJP won 14 seats against the Congress' 12.



Modi has won this election  convincingly in Gujarat without the support
of RSS, VHP or any Hindu organization  riding against all odds and
negative propaganda by Indian as well as Foreign media. This victory has
shown  it was a people's mandate for his development work done in
Gujarat. One can't ignore the fact that today Gujarat is flourishing
under BJP and Modi's rule with contribution of whopping Rs. 1.03
trillion GDP to the nation. It is one of the most attractive destination
for foreign investment in India.

Gujarat is declared as the best administered state in India. Narendra
Modi has done well in giving clean, effective and progressive Governance
during last seven years with prosperity and infrastructure development.
It is today  is free from communal tension and disruptive elements and
jihadis  are contained.

The prejudiced media, especially the third grade Tehelka unknowingly
helped Modi. The sensible Gujarati public took the media's slandering
against the pride of Gujarat and stood firmly behind Modi.

The best blessing came from  Sonia Gandi's remarks, "Maut ke Saudagar"
was a NO BALL to Modi, and a  no ball is always a FREE HIT, modi did not
miss this opportunity to hit the ball above boundry for a SIX. Sonia
Gandi's speech writer (probably some Bollywood film dialogue writer)
proved to be a disaster for Congress.

The cops and goons story currently played out in Gujarat today is not a
new phenomenon. It is being played in hyperbole in the guise of minority
persecution. Sohrabuddin Sheikh, a proven extortionist and criminal
against whom several cases were registered in four states and  was
allegedly plotting to assassinate Gujarat Chief Minister. He was
arrested in some cases but escaped conviction. This case is singled out
and highlighted by media  merely because he was as muslim killed in Modi
ruled Gujarat. Congress found an opportunity provided by Sohrabuddin
case and tried to exploit it to maximum to gain political mileage out of


2. I do not ever remember communalism being an emotive issue and a
divide in Goa prior to the advent of the BJP. The BJP in its brief reign
has sown the seeds of communalism, the fruits of which we are seeing
today even on Goanet, where one finds postings of hatred and venom and
RSS propaganda stuff with blatant disregard for facts and the truth. The
was the point that Sema had made.



It is the plague called Congress which came  in Goa by liquidating the
UG party and remained in power by instilling fear in the minds of
minority community by false propaganda against earlier MG and then BJP
to achieve its corrupt intentions. Prior to Congress entry defections,
corruption and scams were non existent in Goa.

Regarding postings on Goanet, I understand this is neutral forum and if
you do not want to be a domain of a particular religion and one
political party everyone should be allowed to express one's opinion
whether you agree to it nor not.

I respect your right to criticise, though many people quite often
indulge in slandering BJP and its supporters by mauling with epithets.


3. The BJP has made progress not on any development card but by
exploiting religious emotions. Even today Modi is the role model for the
BJP. They create an imaginary enemy a la Hitler did with the Jews and
then try to polarise the communities. In the rest of India, where
muslims are in substantial numbers, they are the enemy and in places,
where christians are in large numbers, they are made out to be the
enemy. eg: false propaganda on the inquisition, inflamatory VCD, etc.



This is the propaganda spread by Congress in collaboration with media
and this is their biggest mistake. The Congress party is being trapped
in its own web and losing one by one states in elections.

The Congress always tried  to topple the BJP governments in States, any
time it could, and by any means, fair and foul to accomplish its
unworthy objective, the Congress parceled out lot of misinformation and
falsehood about BJP and  tries to disseminates it far and wide.



4. the BJP in Goa is no different from the BJP in Gujarat. Only they
have not had the opportunity to display their prowess. Anyone who thinks
otherwise ids living in a fools paradise.



Your above statement resembles  a person who has lost coherence and
have been knocked senseless by a dose of abhorrence towards the party
you  do not share ideologies. BJP ruled Goa for more than 4 years and
this much  time was enough for it to display its Gujarat type Prowess if
it was same as Gujarat BJP.  BJP did more for Goa's economy in 4  years
than corrupt Cong in two decades. 

This congress would have thrown us out of our homes to make way for
SEZs. And do not forget  the constant subversion of constitution by
illegally  using Governor and Speaker to carry out constitutional crimes
to dismiss rival Govt and save their own Government  in Goa. 





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