Those who just happen to read posts in this and
related threads might be wondering why this discussion
is relevant here. Why am I responding to these posts
by religious folk expressing their private personal
beliefs in a secular public forum? The reason is

1. A proper elementary conceptual understanding of
science and most important scientific ideas is
absolutely essential to every citizen, especially
every citizen of India, because promoting scientific
temper is our constitutional duty. It is as critical
as understanding what is meant by democracy, liberty
or secularism.

2. Whenever somebody tries to present an erroneous,
benighted or biased view about an important matter in
a public forum, it becomes incumbent upon those who
know something about that matter to correct the
record, or present the consensus position on it.

Those who have read and understood what I have written
here over the years know that, as a naturalist,
scientist and pluralist, I am indifferent to what
others believe on the basis of their Faith, a
psychological need for some kind of faith, a lifelong
habit, or some other compulsion. Accordingly, I have
no problem with what Albert, Fr. Ivo, Nigel, Fr. Jude
and Kevin write about their own faith, and what they
quote from the Bible or the Secular Humanist
manifesto. They certainly cannot all be right because
their views are not compatible with each other.
Perhaps, one of them knows the absolute truth;
perhaps, they are all living in a world of fantasy.
Who knows? I certainly don't. 

But what I know is that no Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist,
Jain or Parsee would  agree with most of what they are
saying. I also know when and why I respond to their

I ONLY respond to their posts if they abuse their
misunderstanding of SCIENTIFIC FACTS and IDEAS for
their own parochial religious purpose. I also respond
to correct them if they misrepresent or mangle my own
views. I do the former because I am a scientist, and
furthering the cause of scientific literacy is my
duty, as a scientist and as a citizen of India. I do
the latter out of self-respect and my right to be
treated fairly.

For example, I have to now respond to Fr. Ivo's post
below because he has misrepresented not only my views,
but also those of four eminent thinkers who were
interviewed on the topic of science and faith on the
PBS website. Please see:

These are religious people. One is an evangelical
Christian theologian (Noll), one an ex-Catholic priest
who is now an evolutionary biologist (Ayala), one an
Anglican priest and a biochemist (Peacocke), and one a
Jewish theologian and a biologist (Pollack). These
religious individuals believe that there is no
conflict between their own faith and science,
particularly evolution. Nowhere do they say that they
believe that faith or Faith plays any role in science.
One of them is not even a scientist.

And yet Fr. Ivo implies that they do. He says below
that "They speak of faith in scientific experiments". 
No such affirmation can be found anywhere in what they
have said on that website. 

On the issue of conflict, there are hundreds of other
scientists and theologians (e.g. U. S. Southern
Baptists) who disagree strongly with these four
individuals, stating that there indeed is an ongoing
ferocious conflict between many people's faith (e.g.
Nigel Britto's here) and science, particularly
evolutionary biology. As a matter of fact, a major
court case was fought in the U.S. on just this
conflict recently.

In the rest of the post, Fr. Ivo belies his earlier
claims of conformity with the theory of evolution by
attacking me for pointing out Nigel Britto's ignorance
about this well-established scientific theory in
charging that it is an absurdity. Fr. Ivo
misrepresents my position as absolutism, even though
all I have ever asserted and defended is that the
scope of science is limited to explaining the natural
world. That science has nothing to do with the
supernatural, and that anybody who proclaims that
science points to his God is making a bogus claim.

Earlier, I had tried to explain that the principle of
causality was not self-evident and universal both from
philosophical and scientific standpoints. I realize
that this earlier discussion would not be understood
by most readers  because I had referred to my prior
posts in the Goanet archives, instead of laying it all
out here once again. So for the sake of completeness
and clarity at this moment in time, let me briefly
summarize my position here.

The principle of causality refers to the notion that
everything has some other thing as its cause, the
latter invariably preceding the former. I have
provided arguments and evidence on many occasions on
Goanet for why this proposition is not universally
true. Briefly, they are as follows:

1. There are philosophies that contend that the
universe has existed forever without any antecedent
cause (Vedic school, Vivekananda's Hinduism, Buddhism,

2.  There are philosophies that contend that an
infinite eternal universe itself is its own cause
(Vedic school, Pantheism, etc.).

3. In claiming that God is the first cause of
everything, but on the other hand, He, Himself is an
uncaused cause, any objective person can see that
Thomas Aquinas is refuting the principle of causality
by making an exception for God. Most non-Christian
philosophers now point out that this Thomistic
argument is flawed for the above reason, among others.

4. In an oscillatory model of the universe, an
ultimate effect can serve as its own primal cause,
making the concepts of cause and effect meaningless
(My daughter is going to write a SciFi novel based on
this idea. I will translate it into Konknni).

5. In science stochastic and non-equilibrium
thermodynamic processes lead to spontaneous
self-organization, and emergence of new phenomena and
structures, without any actual underlying causes.

6. In the subatomic world events take place by pure
chance because of quantum uncertainty.

7. SOMETHING has been experimentally demonstrated to
spontaneously emerge from NOTHING in the laboratory by
Steven Lamoreaux and others, due to a zero-point
energy or quantum vacuum fluctuation.



--- "Fr. Ivo da C. Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks for your reference to the enriching Website
> I really found all my views confirmed by scientists,
> like Francisco Ayala,
> Mark Noll, Arthur Peacocke and Robert Pollack. I do
> agree with them
> perfectly in whatever they have said in that
> section.
> I really admire their holistic view, sincerity and
> humility. They
> distinguish between faith and Faith ('religious
> faith). They speak of faith
> in scientific experiments.
> Thanks for helping me to know why I stated what I
> have stated in my
> discussion with you.
> Regards.
> Fr.Ivo

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