Moderators of Goanet, please allow me for little lengthily message. This is
because unless I take both the issues that appeared in Goanet my comments
would not make sense.  Two issues in question are: Message: 5, dated Sat, 16
Feb 2008 from Vinay Natekar" under Subject: [Goanet] Is Congress Party
Secular? Visa vise Message: 4 dated: Sat, 16 Feb 2008 from Dr. Jose Colaco. 

Natekar wrote: Congress is the biggest fascist and communal party who came
to power at the center and some states including Goa by divide and rule
policy inherited from the colonial British rule.

Dr. Jose Colaco's response: I wonder if Mr. Natekar looked up the meaning of
the word 'fascist'.  If he did, it is unlikely that he would have called a
socialist party like Congress as being Fascist - a term which goes hand in
hand with 'ultra-nationalist' parties.

My response: May be Natekar used the definition as is given in the free
dictionary on line which describes Fascism to be a system of government
marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, suppression of the
opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of
belligerent nationalism and racism. Recall Indira Gandhi.... Who imposed
EMERGENCY and put thousands to Jail..and also recall what her fate was

Natekar wrote: It has ruled for over 50 years of post independence out of 60
years by keeping people uneducated and illiterate and dividing Hindus and
minority religions on communal basis, and further divided majority Hindu
community by their ludicrous reservation policies thereby deepening caste
biases and exploiting them for garnering their vote bank by instigating
insecurity and fear psychosis in their minds.

Dr. Jose Colaco's response: This is a blatant lie. IF there is one thing
good the Congress did - it was to make education and opportunities available
to the masses of the poor of India. Mr. Natekar may get hypertensive about
this but the other entity which did this is the Catholic Education System
which can boast (rightfully) of having providing solid education to
individuals of ALL religions e.g.  Ashok  Chowgule  (St.Paul's, Belgaum),
Sandeep Heble (Don Bosco's Panjim), Parvez Musharraf & LK Advani (St
Patrick's, Karachi),  Suresh Kalmadi (St Vincent's, Poona), Sunil Gavaskar
(St Xavier's College, Bombay), etc etc

My comment: Dr. Ambedkar, the father of constitution, had made a special
provision within constitution which was applicable for 15 years from the
date of acceptance of constitution of India that India government would put
in special efforts to educate and uplift the SC/ST and there after this
special provision will laps. But what did Congress do? Under the pretext of
uplifting poor SC/ST they siphoned the money to their bank balance and yet
continued to extend the special provision to nearly 60 year and beyond! Not
only is this they have now included Other Backward Classes (OBC) also in the
special provisions defeating the very purpose of Dr. Ambedkar thinking! You
call this development? I think Natekar is right. What you are citing is just
a handful of example which has got no meaning in the context. 

Natekar wrote: In Goa Congress has succeeded in imbibing a permanent imprint
on mindset of catholic population that BJP is a communal and Hindu's party.
Thus even knowing that Congress party is filled with corrupt, tainted and
scandalous politicians, they stand by them and elect them repeatedly.

Dr. Jose Colaco's response: I am not sure that one can imbibe something on
another. I always thought that the word "imbibe" denoted self. Having said
that I invite Mr. Natekar to expand on that thought.

My response: Let me expand this for your Dotor! This response is like
pretending to be drinking milk (or butter milk) in a stainless steel Cup by
seating under the coconut tree when one is actually drinking fenny!! What
Natekar mentioned is absolutely true and that's what Congress has been
taking advantage off. Please don't run away from truth!!!

Natekar wrote: Congress is much responsible for influx of migrants in Goa by
legalizing their slum settlements with electricity connections, providing
them with ration and voter cards to improve their vote tally which has
disturbed the demographic scenario in the state. Similarly Congress and its
partner Communist has also aided millions of Bangladeshis who have
infiltrated illegally to settle largely in Assam, W.Bengal and Mumbai for
their political gain. This trend has created the security risk to our
country as evidenced in last year's bomb blasts in Hydrabad and U.P having
Bangladeshi HUJI terrorist's involvement.

Dr. Jose Colaco's response: This is the opportunity for Mr. Natekar to name
the corrupt, tainted and scandalous politicians that (Catholic) Goans elect
repeatedly and with whom the BJP has NOT made convenient political
alliances. For balance, he may wish to name other corrupt, tainted and
scandalous politicians with whom the BJP has made alliances.

My response: Dotor what are you saying? If this was not the case persons
like Luizine, Sardhina, and other congress persons would have not been the
perpetual MLAs as if they are born to be so! Secondly, IT'S CONGRESS,
STUPIED, Stupid because they are more than anyone who is responsible to
attract large influx of migrants to Goa. Have you not heard what GBA had
said when they were agitating? Have you not heard when SEZ lobby, of course
Arvind Bhatikar and Co, when they were agitating? 

Natekar wrote: Congress is shamelessly delaying carrying out death sentence
ordered by Supreme Court to Mohd Afzal the traitor who masterminded attack
on parliament. The patriot Muslims in India will certainly want this
terrorist to be hanged for attacking our nation. Is Congress trying to
gratify Jehadis, or few radicals in Muslim Populace by dragging their feet
in this execution?

Dr. Jose Colaco's response: I must advise Mr. Natekar of two facts of life.
(a) As of Dec 1961, every single Indian citizen has the Constitutional right
to freely enter, move and reside in Goa. (b) The first initiator of migrant
slum development in Goa was the MGP's Dayanand Bandodkar.

Please vide Rajan Parrikar's picture of the slum in what is called
Zuarinagar.  The more recent mass movement of migrants has been facilitated
by the Konkan Railway (Thank you George Fernandes). Now.... hit and run is
like a piece of cake. The slum dwellers in Dongor apparently voted for
Digambar Kamat when he contested on a BJP ticket.

How does the Congress get the credit for this? ....and there was a plan for

My response: Dotor, you are giving twisting answer. Natekar has never made
any mention that citizens are not free to enter, move and reside in Goa nor
he made a mansion of MGP rule in Goa. He is expressing himself about. As for
me, with no second thought he should be executed as sentenced by Supreme
Court.... Off the subject.... When twin tower was blast, under pretext, USA
erased Afghanistan and later Iraq and Iraq's Sadam.....what have you to say
on this? Did you protest? No ..because it was initiated by while skin...I
doesn't know whether you have affiliation to white skin or not..  

Most importantly, slums in Margao are created & garnished by Digamber would read on this issue in my other post....please do read...and
let me have your Atypical Responses for every line, for ever word, for every
alphabet...I will explain you...... No problem dotor. 

Natekar wrote: Congress filed blasphemous affidavit thru its ASI
(Archeological Survey of India) regarding existence of Lord Ram to please
its coalition partner DMK.

Dr. Jose Colaco's response: I am biased on this point. I oppose the Death
Penalty. I also believe that state killing creates martyrs out of bandits
and increases the level of violence which then kills innocents.  

BTW: There were many bandits operating in and around pre-1961 Goa. They
attacked civilian targets - only to later proclaim themselves as Freedom
Fighters.  Please view the footnote of this article

My response: You are again giving twisted answer dotor! OR is it because no
one is visiting you are trying to take Goanet members to
Colaco net? If so, you will never succeed. Why don't you visualize this
truth!! So much so that you too moved back to Goanet after starting Colaco
net and from this cite you are trying to give a call to Goans to visit
Colaco Net! Surprising!! ? 

Any way best is to answer dotor's question as he is posing the question.
Yes, dotor ... Mohd Afzal has to be hanged until second thought
on this issue.  

Natekar wrote: Congress announced ceasefire with naxals who killed thousands
of civilians and policemen to appease the Communist and Maoist comrades'
partners in rule.

Can all these actions of Congress be called democratic or secular?

Dr. Jose Colaco's response:  Please advise us about the Ram Sethu project
esp wrt WHICH party was in govt when the project was approved

My response: Dotor, again you made a mistake! This question should have been
posed not hear! Little above this!!!! Any way, answer to your query is when
dog is bitten anywhere he limps only on his one leg! That's it.

TOUNGE IN CHECK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Best regards,

Dr. U. G. Barad

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