This is in response to Dr. U. G. Barad

 Natekar wrote: In Goa Congress has succeeded in imbibing a permanent
imprint on mindset of catholic population ...

jc's  response: I am not sure that one can imbibe something on
another. I always thought that the word "imbibe" denoted self.

dr.udaybarad's response: Let me expand this for your Dotor! This
response is like pretending to be drinking milk (or butter milk) in a
stainless steel Cup by seating under the coconut tree when one is
actually drinking fenny!!

jc's response: Possible that English is a difficult language.


Natekar wrote: Congress is much responsible for influx of migrants in
Goa by legalizing their slum settlements with electricity connections,
etc etc

According to dr.udaybarad this was my (jc's) response to the above
from Mr. Natekar: This is the opportunity for Mr. Natekar to name the
corrupt, tainted and scandalous politicians that (Catholic) Goans
elect repeatedly and with whom the BJP has NOT made convenient
political alliances.etc etc

jc's response: Please note that I am NOT related to the Mountbattens.
Please do NOT misquote me.


Natekar wrote: Congress is shamelessly delaying carrying out death
sentence ordered by Supreme Court to Mohd Afzal the traitor who
masterminded attack on parliament.

According to dr.udaybarad this was my (jc's) response to the above
from Mr. Natekar: I must advise Mr. Natekar of two facts of life.etc

Dr. Barad also added "  nor has he (Natekar) made a mansion of MGP
rule in Goa.When twin tower was blast, under pretext, USA erased
Afghanistan and later Iraq and Iraq's Sadam.....what have you to say
on this? Did you protest? No ..because it was initiated by while
skin...I doesn't know whether you have affiliation to white skin or

jc's comment: Once again - your language difficulties having been
noted, Please note that I am NOT related to the Mountbattens. Please
do NOT misquote me. BTW: I do not wish to know whether or not Mr.
Natekar made any mansion during MGP rule in Goa. I don't like
mansions. I am a simple guy who lives in simple accommodation (:-)


Natekar wrote: Congress filed blasphemous affidavit thru its ASI
(Archeological Survey of India) regarding existence of Lord Ram

According to dr.udaybarad this was my (jc's) response to the above
from Mr. Natekar:: I am biased on this point. I oppose the Death

jc's response: Please Dr. Barad, Please take a deep breath. Please do
NOT misquote me. It is akin to someone in the medical/pharmacy
business giving Anand the antibiotic meant for jose!  Take your time.
Don't rush. English is surely a difficult language - Mountbattens
apart - Please read what you yourself are writing.


dr udaybarad added two other gems to which I will respond - with the
hope that it just might help

BARAD (a) you (jc)  too moved back to Goanet after starting Colaco net
and from this cite you are trying to give a call to Goans to visit
Colaco Net! Surprising!! ?

jc's response: Please accept my apologies if you do not know the
difference between my simple little website i.e.
and a discussion mega-forum like GoaNet.

BARAD(b) TOUNGE IN CHECK!!!!!!!!!!!!

jc's response: Perhaps you should keep your FINGERS in
CHECK!!!!!!!!!!!! They seem to be shooting in all directions.

with a sincere hope that You will NOT misquote me again. Thank You in advance.

PS: Mr Natekar and Dr Anand Virgincar have made some very good points
in their posts - some of which I agree with. I will respond to them in
individual posts later in this week. If I write too often on any given
day, I might get all mixed up in my language and quotes. I do not wish
to do that.

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