Aye bagwaan, pray tell Irmao Fred, do you know of one Goan, expat or
otherwise with grand ideas/schemes (exception of Charles Correa) who
can devlelop villages without goonda giri and gol-mal gootala?
Say when you slip out of amchi Goi for the Goa convention, do visit a
Gooichi family and and I think you will be pleasantly upset...you may
have to pinch yourself a couple of times and wonder....aye bagwaan, me
Fred, where am i? Develop villages? Naaw. One wouldn't trust one to
build your behind of your house (the part that faces the nunnery)!

This is a load of nonsense.....I would. with great confidence,
approach an NRG (non resident goonda...sic, goachi) if I want to do
some goolmaal, a croooked scheme certain to fail; a Delhiwalla with
all thier koktail paties, social crudeness and inabilities to hold
their watered down Solan Delux are a better bet at a grand scheme for
a Goichi village than a local (so what if they spent time abroad).
Just my assessment, the locals lack ideas, they are not blessed with
the creative, if you know what I mean.

Sorry, gotta run, some paan-eating Delhiwaala has just driven up with
his disel-run german import and a bottle of......

Regards to the neighbouring nuns from Sawantwadi.

On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 8:44 AM, Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक
नोरोंया <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Why wouldn't or couldn't expats undertake 'developing villages'
>  independent of government? Specially since we have known governments
>  that are unresponsive, corruption-prone or mired in communalism? --FN
  • [G... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया
    • ... Pandu Lampiao
    • ... Mervyn Lobo

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