                  2008 International Goan Convention
                            Toronto, Canada

         Early Bird Discount Registration closes March 31, 2008


From: "Santosh Helekar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>*In spite of all my efforts to show that there is no
>>conflict whatsoever between Science and Religion (my
>>emphasis was on Bible and Christian Theology),
>>it is sad to hear Dr.Santosh again saying the
> This sadness can be easily avoided if one accepts the
> obvious fact that efforts based on limited emphasis
> and inadequate knowledge can never be good enough to
> support general propositions.
**By definition, Bible teaches about the way of salvation,
not the knowledge of natural phenomena. It is a religious book,
not a book of empirical science.
Science has a different perspective--it tries to explain the natural 
through a host of scientific hypotheses, theories, and laws.
Therefore, there cannot be conflict between Bible and Science. I showed it 
with different examples.
I do not understand how it is "limited emphasis" and "inadequate knowledge". 
Whose knowledge and of what?
I have pointed out to metaphysical and epistemological blunders in his 

> As someone just quoted, albeit differently, one
> swallow does not a summer make.
*Only Dr.Santosh will be able to understand his own concluding saying... 
This is sad.

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