                  2008 International Goan Convention
                            Toronto, Canada

         Early Bird Discount Registration closes March 31, 2008


From: "Gilbert Lawrence" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Most intelligent people BUILD ON various constructs in a POSITIVE manner. 
> That is how progress is made in a dialog and in a community. A few, 
> perhaps more than a few among Goans, appear to promote themselves by 
> merely zapping others.
> The topic of separating, and trying to present as a contradiction, science 
> and religion  appears to be an endearing subject for Goans, especially on 
> Goanet.  In displaying their limited knowledge, this topic of 
> contradictions is used to demagogue both fields.
*Yes, Gilbert, I agree with you. I have been trying to show that there is no 
conflict between Science and Religion (Bible, for my field). My interest is 
to answer questions about this topic. I follow the model of harmony and 
integration between Faith and Reason.
Good wishes for Easter!

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