> From: "anil desai" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Goanet] Fwd:  Why Manohar Parrikar is not CM today...and
>       will

> You say that the pro-Parrikar campaign is getting desperate. You must be
> living in a fantasy world. Look at the current political situation in Goa.

You are missing the point. You are reeling off a litany of sins of
the Congress government. I have no issues with that, being no
defender of their activities and sins of commission and omission.

You will note that I mention that the 'whitewash Parrikar' lobby
is obsessed with showing him in good light. And that they project
their problems onto others. What I mean is that they assume that
criticism of Parrikar/BJP means defending the Congress. Just
because they are pro-Parrikar/BJP does not mean that those who are
anti-BJP are pro-Congress.

There is little to choose between the two parties on matters of
governance. Parrikar had enough time to prove his abilities, and
cut a sorry figure, not far removed from the kind of figure the
Congress governments cut. Corruption continued merrily. Political
opportunism continued. Etc. So if you are trying to say that
Parrikar/BJP are better in these respects, sorry, but the argument
does not hold water.

> So, Mr Gadgil. do your worst as you have consistently done with respect to
> Sanvordem- Curchorem troubles. Desperate situations such as the few I have
> mentioned above ( land scams excluded) do need desperate measures.

No, no, Mr Desai, it wasn't me who did my worst, it was the BJP
and other  communal forces who put in the performance at
Sanvordem-Curchorem. Even the magisterial enquiry report by the
North Goa Collector has enough stuff to show their role. The
Collector clearly indicates that it was malicious rumour-mongering
that was used to incite the violence. Every authority has
indicated that there was no presence of 'outsiders', armed or
otherwise. But the BJP and co. spread that rumour systematically
and used it to ignite violence. Ask Parrikar's blue-eyed boy,
Sharmad Pai Raiturkar, why he gave a false complaint about
presence of outsiders. Ask Ramrao Desai why he said the same
thing. Ask Parrikar himself why he said this at a press
conference. All these chaps, and sundry others, were on various
Goan newschannels spreading this canard.

Further, as the Collector points out, it was only BJP leaders who
tried to arrange the release of the miscreants who had been
arrested, clearly indicating their affiliations. There is video
footage of MP going to the police station with cheering crowds to
arrange the release of these hooligans -- all this while violence
is actually going on in the area.

I won't go on about all this, all the information has been in the
public domain for the past two years, if people want to play
ostrich-with-head-buried-in-the-sand, that's up to them.

> I agree with Anand's essay and his analysis of the current political
> scenario in Goa. However, I disagree with him on his conclusion. I have no
> doubt at all that bab Manohar Parrikar will be the chief Minister of Goa
> again and just as he did last time, he will do his utmost to clean the
> administration.

I too disagree with Dr. Anand. MP could very well become CM of Goa
again. And at that time, if it comes, let us hope that he does his
utmost to clean the administration -- only thing is, let us hope
that he does not do it 'just as he did last time', because that
was a sorry spectacle. Last time, he left it muckier than ever and
also succeeded in injecting a good dose of communalism into the
administration, as has been well documented, particularly in the
case of the police, and in his handover of government primary
schools to the RSS.

Incidentally, as Sandeep Heble has pointed out, he's still Panjim
MLA, isn't he? Why is it then that all of you absolve him of any
responsibility for the mess Panjim is in. Rajan Parrikar wants
everybody to get involved in cleaning up Panjim -- well, he could
start with his MLA.

Question everything -- Karl Marx

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