--- Gabe Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> RESPONSE: The moral of the story: stay in India,
> they exploit you in
> the US of A. 
Dear Gabe,
I am very sorry to disagree and disappoint you
completely on this one. A soft-ware engineer working
for an AMERICAN (not Indian, because there are a lot
of Indian companies operating in America too), would
be living in the lap of luxury, and enjoying the sort
of lifestyle unheard off anywhere else in the world.

The notion that America is an exploitative nation,
making its money on the backs of immigrants is a nice
marxist fantasy. And speaking of socialist fantasies,
I'm afraid Europe and that includes the UK are
entirely emasculated by America.

Say, what you may about America, but nowhere else in
the world has such wealth been generated for such a
bell-curve of the population. The idea that the state
can look after its people with heavy taxation, is
perversive socialist ideology which has reduced much
of Europe to dismal living conditions. Even India, I
can tell you has far more economic vibrancy and
middle-class prosperity than Europe.

I assure you, nothing compares with the opportunity,
resources, convenience and lifestyle that US affords.I
guess I'm persona non-grata to Goans in London, after
this eh? :-)


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