Support to Colva Civic and Consumer Forum
Having taken cognizance  of yeoman services being rendered  and very pertinent 
movement started  by Colva Civic and Consumer Forum the Manaing Committee of 
COLVA UNITED CENTRE - KUWAIT has resolved to extend our solidarity and all 
It is high time that Colvenkars from all over the world alongwith all Goans 
should rally and mobilise all their resources to control the unregulated and 
mashrooming housing units coming in Colva, to protect and save  the basic 
necessities and interest of locals, to stop further degredation of ecology, 
improve the sanitation, starting of  garbace system  and preserve the pristine  
beauty of Colva.
It may be also recalled that  3 years back at the Gram Sabha meeting 2 
resolutions listed below  moved by our president - Alexander Fernandes  - and 
unanimously approved at the Gram Sabha still have not been  implemented:-
Resolution No.1 - to Start Garbage System collection and disposal.
Resolution No.2 - To construct modern Market complex - since the present old 
Tinto - is filthy, inadequate and accident prone area.
At the next Gram Sabha we request Colva Civic & Consumer Forum to  follow up 
the above unimplemented resolutions alongwith their other demands and intensify 
their moves,  in most democratic ways, until desired result is achieved.  From 
our side we assure you all the  tangible support in all your movements for 
better, cleaner and safer Colva.
  For Colva United Centre - Kuwait 
Alexander Fernandes - President, 
Jacob Fernandes, Vice President, 
Menino Ratus - General Secretary,
Celine Vaz - Treasurer

Goa's Pride - - Goeam khatir vavr korta to khoro 
Goemkar punn Konkani boroita ani uloita to niz Goemkar
  Gulf-Goans e-Newsletter is presented by Ulysses Menezes, 
and moderated by Gaspar Almeida (since 1994)

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