To Goanet -

Please come if you are in Goa, and spread the word.


Centre for Panchayati Raj – Peaceful Society
Kundaim, Goa
June 12, 2008
For immediate publication

A Goa People's Assembly has been convened to confront the issue:

Construction, Conversion & Mining - A threat to Goa's survival

This event will be held on Monday, 16th June 2008, in the Convention
Hall at Hotel Mandovi, Panjim from 3.30 p.m. to 6 p.m.  It is open to the

The programme will begin at 3:30 p.m. with a screening of the photo
documentary "The Rape of Goa" by Rajan P. Parrikar. Following the
screening, activist leaders, well known Goan personalities, and
representatives of various people's movements drawn from all over Goa
will address the People's Assembly on the menace of rampant
concretization, conversion of land, and the havoc wrought by mining,
that is threatening the very survival of Goa. An Open Forum of 30
minutes will seek participation from the public. Ideas for future course
of action may emerge from the proceedings. A press conference has been
scheduled following the People's Assembly at 6.00 p.m.

Everyone concerned about Goa's future is urged to attend this People's
Assembly and lend support to the struggle to protect and perpetuate the
Goa we know and love. No advance confirmation is required.

This event is being facilitated by the Centre for Panchayati Raj - Peaceful
Society, Kundaim.

Soter D’Souza                                                  Rajan P. Parrikar
Centre for Panchayati Raj

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