To Goanet -

Satyawan Govekar wrote:
>Rajan bab had got angry with me because I said that 
>GBA is good. Now he is doing another group called GPA. 
>GBA - GPA. It cannot be just like that. I am going to 
>come and see which activists are going to come to 
>do air conditioned activism in Hotel Mandovi Hall. 
>Maybe Nova Goa was not available. 
>Anyway it is good if this GPA will first look at the 

What will be good is if you first learnt to read.  
Nowhere has it been said that the Goa People's 
Assembly is a "group."  It is exactly what the 
name suggests: an Assembly, a gathering of 
people belonging to diverse groups and platforms:
men & women with ideas coming together with 
the hope that a cohesive resistance may emerge 
to save Goa from impending ruin.  

Also - you seem to be good at offering critiques
of the activities of others fighting for the good cause.  
If you do not like what we are trying to do, or have
problems with our choice of venue etc etc, please 
go ahead with your own initiatives.  I look
forward to learning from the example you will



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