
--- On Sat, 6/14/08, Diogo DSouza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What is all this confusion? 

If you detail all your confusions, some kind Goanetter may help you.

> Which Dr. Rajan? 

The one being referred to.

> One Rajan is photographer, other Rajan is Editor.

Not Rajan the baker or carpenter either. The other Rajan.

> Is Rajan Cunciolienkar, Supdt of GMC a doctor?

May be. Either he is or he is not.

> I thought he was a bureaucrat from Secretariat.

I thought he was from Goa.

> Why Goan Observer write nothing about GPA? Otherwise that Rajan write 
> tomorrow's story yesterday!

The other Rajan wrote yesterday's story tomorrow.
> Why will GPA be like Lok Shakti?

May be. May be not.

> I thought Lok shakti was an Advertising Agency for NRI Goan professionals


> like Rajan, and that Virgincar fellow who used to write sometimes on goanet 
> before. I think Floriano can guide us.

Floriano probably does not want to confuse you anymore. 

> He somehow knows all these rascals.

Which rascal? the one from the other agency in the northern part of south Goa?
> How come Rajan Parikar become Director in Peaceful Society?

The War society rejected him.

> I thought there was some Kumar or someone in Peaceful
> Society, or was that Satan Sonsta or something in Ponda
> that is doing all the anti-Muslim exhibitions and
> anti-Narkasur or Diwali protests every year?

Not the same Kumar who is doing the pro-Catholic and pro-Buddhist exhibition or 
something in Chicalim?
> Best wishes,
> Diogo


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