Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2008 03:33:21 -0700 (PDT)
From: Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I take no joy in this only the sad realization that
Christians and Muslims today in India are facing the
same harsh reality Jews faced in Nazi Germany. We  are
considered non-Indians and second-class citizens in
our own country.
Mario responds:
I agree that these recent atrocities and the thinking
behind them need to be protested and stopped in their
tracks and the masterminds and their henchmen brought
to justice, but let's not get carried away here.
The old and tired Nazi shibboleth is extravagant
hyperbole when applied here, and the "second-class"
citizen allegation doesn't fit either.  There are
still enough checks and balances in the Indian
political system and its judiciary to protect most
minorities, even in the midst of all the chaos and
corruption and intolerance in very narrow and specific
areas of Indian society.  After all Indians have spent
thousands of years devising ingenious ways in which to
divide themselves and discriminate against each other.
However, there are over 800 million Hindus in India,
and these atrocities, I daresay, cannot even be blamed
on most BJP members, but on radical Hindu-supremacist
cells within the BJP and some other organizations like
the Shiv Sena.
Let's not forget that the BJP and the Shiv Sena can
and have been defeated at the ballot box, even at the
height of the BJP's vaunted and ostentatious "India
Shining" national campaign, and most of those who
voted against them were Hindus.

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