What the following post says about genetics, homosexuality, biology and human 
behavior is utter nonsense.



--- On Sun, 10/19/08, Averthan D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Is Homosexuality  genetically conditioned ?
>Another untenable argument  being adduced for
> "decriminalizing"
> homosexuality is again contained  in the leading article
> referred to.  It
> states that "Research indicates that there may be
> (sic) a genetic basis for
> a preference for homosexuality."   Such an argument,
> apart from being
> unsustainable,  is also devious.  ......
> Extrapolating  human behaviour from the
> findings of biology
> to justify some human actions is not only illogical;  it is
> totally
> irrational.   The advocates of 
> "decriminalization" of homosexuality talk
> about sexual "orientation" in the same illogical
> fashion.   It is obvious
> that "orientation" like "preference"
> connotes conscious choice.   Let us not
> relegate all of humanity to the level of animals just
> because we sympathize
> with the genuine problems which some people have of
> adjusting to social
> norms.    We certainly need to sympathize with them and to
> help them adjust.
> But this cannot extend to justifying behaviour which is
> clearly classified,
> even by clinical and social psychologists, as deviant
> behaviour.  If
> homosexual behaviour is "natural" then all
> heterosexual behaviour is
> automatically "unnatural."   The two are  simply
> irreconcilable.     

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